Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, September 20, 2021

The Hachi Chronicle

When we arrived home from our trip, Hachi seemed to make a breakthrough almost right away. There was a new set of people working on the outside of our house. They were doing some demolition at the beginning. 

It was loud, and we thought that the noise would stress out Hachi. Instead, he lay on a bed on the other side of the wall where they were working and fell sound asleep! The Runner and I wondered aloud if he'd had a secret lobotomy!

It has been the same ever since. As long as the workers are outside the house, Hachi can snooze right through their time here. It is so refreshing to see a breakthrough like this!

It's especially surprising because we think that trips are stressful for Hachi. You can see in the photo below that his mouth is closed and his face is tight. He ran around with exuberance in our campsite but his body language said that he was nervous.

So, despite a somewhat stressful trip (for Hachi - not for the rest of us), Hachi made a big breakthrough when we arrived home. We'll take it!


  1. Hooray for any good news in the Hachi Chroncle.Let it continue for many months and years, definitely as long as the noise and work is still going on.

  2. That's great news.
    Sometimes our beloved animal companions can surprise us in good ways!
    Cheers, Gail.

  3. Hari OM
    ...ah, this could be a classic case of appreciation of home as the safe place after all!!! No matter what the switch was - HOORAH! YAM xx

  4. that is a super good news... and we hope there are much more of that surprising moments... to good surprises ..

  5. i am doing a happy dance over this breakthrough. this will make his life and yours so much easier.. maybe the next breakthrough will be people inside the house..

  6. Hurray for Hachi's breakthrough. We have our paws crossed that he has many more.

  7. That's wonderful! Poor pup, I certainly hope he continues to have breakthroughs like this.

  8. Kudos! Clearly all your hard work with counter-conditioning and loads of love are helping your boy feel more comfortable in potentially stressful situations. Great breakthrough.

  9. Well done Hachi
    by chance could you share your secret to sleeping well?! Even in perfect conditions w/o light soothing music playing last night I was unable to fall asleep until 1 am then I awoke at 3:40 am...no noise not nuttin just my crazy brain.
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. I would take it too. It's a huge win.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  11. those wonderful ears! Go Hachi go! XO

  12. No kidding, that really is terrific you sweet Hachi and you too!

  13. Even Hachi's eyes are looking to the side. I guess the outside workmen are much less a threat than those invisible predators!


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