Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Black Dog Joy

Whenever I see beauty, I think of our Black Dog.

 Autumn is glorious. We try to enjoy every instant of it.

 Our Black Dog loved all the seasons. 

Black Dog joy lives on.


  1. I fully understand the Black dog joy going on and on in your hearts, because mine is the same way..

  2. OH MY WORD that first photo is breathing taking
    BUTT of course
    R wins the prize for most beautiful...
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. Love that first pic of fern! Stunning color!
    Our ferns turn a coppery-bronze color in the fall. They are so gorgeous.
    Happy Black Dog Joy!

  4. Autumn Glory in those colours and the view across to the distant mountains. R, you are the one so full of joy every season.

  5. Such beautiful fall pictures and such a joyous picture of R, too.

  6. Ah, joy! Thank you Black Dog for exemplifying it - and thank you KB for continuing to share it with us.

    Chris from Boise

  7. Love lives on! Looking back to the week and seeing the bears - our 5 year old neighbour explained this week that if he saw a bear he would not be afraid and would go up to it. We told him he should walk away as a bear could be dangerous. Danger of seminal living children!

  8. The colours in that first photo are just delightful.
    Delightful also is the image of Black Dog running in the water.

  9. your black dog will always be the personification of Pure JOY! XO

  10. Beautiful photos and such a handsome R.

  11. BLK Dog Running On Water - Dog - What A Landscape Perspective There - Like WoW - Go Team Human


  12. Autumn is a great place to find joy as your Black Dog proved.


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