Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, September 27, 2021

The Hachi Chronicle

It's been a good week for Hachi. We've been focused on helping Hachi get ready for the next time that he needs to go to the vet. In the short term, we'll rely on sedation for him to be examined by a vet. 

In the longer term, we're breaking down the hard parts of going to the vet into tiny steps. Here is the list of issues that scare Hachi in a vet visit. 1) Going to an unfamiliar place, 2) going to a place that smells like a vet hospital, 3) needing to be in a small room with an unfamiliar person (the vet or tech), 4) needing to be handled. If you combine all those things, you've got a dog in a vet hospital being examined by a vet.

We are working on exercises to address each of those issues. For example, to work on going to an unfamiliar place, we'll start with a friend's house where we'll walk through their door (no one will be in the house) and give Hachi a bunch of treats just inside the door. Then, we'll leave. Simple but important.

Over the coming weeks, I'll tell you a bit more about the specific exercises that we're doing to address each of the hard parts of going to the vet.

And, in the biggest news, we've been experimenting with letting Hachi and Shyla be together off-leash on our deck when there are no food items around. They don't seem to even notice that anything is different from the past. That's exactly what we were hoping for!

In the meantime, Hachi is loving being outdoors in our glorious autumn weather.

Progress happens in tiny steps. We're okay with that, and Hachi seems to be okay with it too.


  1. we hope a lot of that tiny steps will happen to you and your pups...

  2. Hari OM
    Said so often yet so apt... slow and steady wins the race! YAM xx

  3. this sounds like a really good plan and i pray it will work for sweet Hachi..so glad they can be together on the deck

  4. You always have such great plans to help Hachi work though his issues. You rock.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  5. Hachi looks beautiful posing on that log in the sun. We're glad to hear he continues to improve. What great friends you have to let you practice the skills he needs to go to the vet.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Oh Hachi is such a handsome dog, the photo is gorgeous as the autumn light shines.

    I'm certain with your continued work with him, he'll continue to gain confidence.

  8. Progress is progress, be it small or gigantic. For Hachi that's all that matters. Good luck with your exercises.

  9. We hope the tiny steps get you there one day soon, Hachi!

  10. Hachi, good job, you really are a special sweetie guy!

  11. All those things added together make a huge issue. One step at a time, and your idea sounds like a very good plan. Hachi, lap up that autumn sunshine. Down here, we had rain all night, and it will, according to y.nr , rain all day .At least the tanks and dams will be filling up.

  12. Baby steps are the best! And they are so much fun! We are rooting you on!!

  13. Hachi the sun makes your gorgeous fur glisten
    Hugs Cecilia

  14. What a great pose and beautiful picture. As you have heard (or read) many times, Hachi landed in the right family and is very fortunate for your being willing to do the work to help him.

  15. You have to take it slow because if you go too fast you'll be back to square one. That is great they can be together on the deck now.


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