Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Shyla Saturday

Whenever I take out my camera and ask Shyla to be my model, she is overjoyed! When we're camping, she eagerly anticipates our sunset playtime/photo shoot.

This scene was in our campsite while we were in southwest Colorado. I love the sight of the reddish mountains on the horizon. They complement Shyla's fur so well!

Part of the reddish hue was smoke from western wildfires. I must admit that the smoke made me sad. It made me feel as if our destruction of the planet is accelerating.

However, I cannot stay sad for long when I'm with Shyla. She is, quite simply, my best friend.


  1. Down the hill, we smell the smoke most days. It brings daily sadness that is only rivaled by the lack of moisture. Your sweet girl is highlighted nicely in autumnal scenes. Thank you for sharing lovely photos of her!

  2. And yet we sit in Michigan and we get too much rain instead of the states who have the wildfires who need it so badly.

  3. What a beautiful sight to see Shyla so happy with that amazing scene behind her.

  4. Shyla is a super model and all she wants for that is love, food and shelter. What a pleasure she is.
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. You are the best thing that ever happened to Shyla. How she has blossomed!

    Looking forward to fall rains - someday!

    Chris from Boise

  6. WE love seeing the beautiful and happy Shyla!

  7. Such gorgeous shots of you and your stunning background, Shyla!


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