Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, September 17, 2021

Teeny Tiny the bear cub marks trees!

You probably remember that there's a bear cub in Tiny's territory who is most likely his son. This little guy has an unstoppable attitude for such a young cub. In mid-August, he and his mom repeatedly visited one of Tiny's favorite marking trees. Teeny Tiny marked it again and again. And, to really make me laugh, he marked it while sitting down on one occasion. Just like his father.

Check out the video to see this cute little cub in action!


  1. love this guy... but I always smile when it comes to tiny at the bear front ;O)

  2. I'm intrigued by the loud panting, off screen I think, at around the 1:50 mark?

    1. That is Teeny Tiny marking the camera! I suspect that he was rubbing his fur on the side of the camera! He is going to be quite a bear. I wish that we were going to have the chance to watch him grow up - but he will disperse from this area next spring-summer.

  3. He is a cutie and certainly a busy little guy.

  4. Teeny Tiny is so cute the way he was marking just like his dad. Good thing he wasn't able to break your camera when he gave it a close inspection.

  5. Martin is my favorite part and it sounds like the mama bear might have been trying to tear up the camera and he is absolutely adorable

  6. Heheh...like father like son. Too cute. That cub is a cute little stinker, isn't he?

  7. That really was cute! When he first started it looked like a pole dance!

  8. BOL I agree with Brian...it did look like he had a tune in his head and was about to put on a dance
    Hugs cecilia

  9. He is definitely "Cub of the Year" such a cutie...loved hearing him as he marked the camera!

  10. It looked like mom marked a tree also, is that right. Do females also mark?

  11. Aw, he's such a cutie! I wonder if the sitting to mark has been passed down from his father? I know that Tiny likely does it because of his leg but who knows, maybe Teeny Tiny learned it somehow.


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