Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for the wildlife who we see from our deck. About three weeks ago, a bull moose sauntered by at breakfast time.


 He ate some breakfast too! What a rack.

Then, a couple of evenings ago, a mama bear and her cub dropped by to eat chokecherries. This was during their departure, heading down to the creek. I think that I have "seen" these two on my trail cam at a nearby water hole. I'll share that soon!

At this time of year, we are constantly scanning the hillsides, knowing that the chokecherries are there waiting for the bears to devour them.

The wildlife is one of my favorite things about Lab Valley!


  1. oh my... they boys would be... happy (maybe?) if we had so much to see...

  2. that moose is just too handsome for words, the best of breakfast guests I am thinking

  3. Now that is what I call an entertaining breakfast. WOW what a magnificent Bull Moose.
    I hope Mama Bear and Baby find lots of chockberries to fill their tummies before the long night's sleep
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. What wonderful sights you have while eating breakfast!

  5. Amazing! Do the pups get concerned when they see or hear these animals near by?

  6. You have so many wonderful things to see in Lab Valley. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  7. Who needs TV when you live at Lab Valley!

  8. The wildlife is my favorite part of visiting your site. So wonderful.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  9. Wow, you have your own Wildlife Entertainment channel, lol. I'm curious as well, what are the dogs reactions when they see this?

  10. Such an incredible view! Thank you for sharing pics from your 'backyard.'

  11. Wow! How wonderful to see so much nature in your own "front yard"!


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