Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Black Dog Joy

Winter is here! We knew that it was coming this week with 20° lows forecasted for later in the week. Then, all of a sudden, the forecast showed a low of 26° for tonight! We still need to finish harvesting all of our outdoor garden beds so we went running out into the cold windy darkness to cover the garden with frost blankets. 

I came back inside, cold and tired. There, on my computer screen was a photo of our amazing Black Dog.

Black Dog Joy warmed my heart.


  1. Hari OM
    How not to be cheered by that! YAM xx

  2. He sure was flying high in that picture. We can just imaging how warm his coat must have felt with that sun on it.

    1. I have Raynaud's syndrome, and running my fingers through his sun-warmed fur was like heaven on Earth!

  3. Love that boy! Look at him fly!

    We're in the same garden boat - spent all day yesterday harvesting. All horizontal surfaces above dog level are filled with flats of green tomatoes, red tomatoes, sweet peppers, hot peppers, eggplants, cucumbers and sweet potatoes. Planting lettuce this afternoon - in a cold frame.

    Chris from Boise

    1. It seems that many of us are in this boat in the west! I wish that I had your climate - we can't grow a lot of that stuff. But our greenhouse is housing cukes, zukes, and eggplants right now. We're keeping that going into the winter. Once a bed opens up in there, I'll be planting lettuce too. Once you've eaten home grown veggies, it is painful to return to the grocery store ones!

    2. There are some things to be said for 3,000 ft. elevation. :-) Glad your greenhouse was one of the earlier projects to be completed!

      Chris from Boise

  4. His joy for life can cheer anyone up. ♥ We've been waiting for our first frost here, it's very unusual to not have had at least a light one yet. We're ready to start putting the garden to bed for the winter, but don't want to give up on anything that's still hanging in there!

    1. We are the same way, which is why it is so much work at the end! We just spent a couple of hours harvesting... with more to come later! It's good food that we'll enjoy for months (root veggies)!

  5. If ever there was a happier creature on the face of this earth.........

  6. Such a warm and joyful image! It hasn't gotten too chilly down the 'hill'-41ºF this morning but I know it's coming. Stay warm.

  7. Black dog was truly the definition of unconditional love
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Raynaud's Syndrome, mine is selective and not every finger is affected. I will remember next time to find Boris and hope his warm ginger fur will heat up those white/cold digits. Here in the far south, there will be snow to 500mm, a late cold snap, but for you, the colder days and nights are a sure sign your winter has arrived. Your glass house will be such a bonus, having green veges that taste so much better than store ones is the very best. R, your black coat would have been a finger warmer so many times, love that photo, both eyes shining, ears waving as you ran, a memory of love.

  9. One can feel the energy in that wonderful photo of Black Dog.

  10. He always was and always will be a joyous heart warmer!

  11. Every photo you post of R warms our heart too. Stay warm.

  12. I smiled when I saw the photo, he was such a happy dog!

    Brrr...we're getting frost tonight as well. I'm will have to start pulling flowers from containers, all the veg (the wee bit I had) has already been harvested.


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