Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Shyla Saturday

Shyla and I have been reveling in autumn together. I love the colors, and she loves the cooler air. We do our trail ride, stopping frequently for photos.

I love the aspen groves where a range of colors glows. This one had green, golden, and even red leaves! Shyla struck her favorite pose in front of it.

But, most of all, Shyla loves to run. She looks so happy this fall!

Shyla's birthday is in the fall, and she's going to turn 10. It feels like I met her just yesterday so that number seems too high! But, she has come so far partly because she's had so many years to do it. She's reached a point where she loves to have workers around the house. She runs over and greets them like long lost friends whenever she sees them. I am glad that they seem to like her as much as she likes them.

Happy Shyla Saturday!


  1. Oh Shyla I'm so happy x 100 that your inner Lab love quickly over took the fear from early.
    I know the workers and all who meet you are happy to give you a head rub
    Hugs Cecilia

  2. Beau has Shylas personality, he loves strangers, and thinks the whole world wants to pet him. Shyla's eyes are Autumn Gold, she is so beautiful. i love the stump pose best of all...

  3. Such beautiful photos of you, pretty Shyla. How did you get to be 10 already? Where does the time go?

  4. she is SO beautiful! who wouldn't love to be happily greeted by Shyla! XO

  5. You sure do look happy, Shyla! We can tell from the pictures how much you are enjoying all that beauty around you.

  6. Love that first pic! Shyla's face has age with such beauty!

  7. That's amazing - happily greeting workmen! Shyla, you blow me away. Good on'ya!

    Chris from Boise

  8. You are totally gorgeous sweet, sweet Shyla!

  9. You look like a puppy in the second picture. River Song will be ten next year. Where does the time go?

  10. It's wonderful to see what a happy and confident girl she has become! ♥

  11. Both photos are amazing...but that first one is just unbelievably precious!

  12. Shyla is just such a sweet girl. We can't believe she is going to be 10!!! that first shot of her is beautiful.

  13. What a special girl Shyla is! Love the shots.


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