Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, October 8, 2021

Teeny Tiny the bear cub is crazy about his toes!

Watching Teeny Tiny via trail cams has been a highlight of the summer and fall for me. He is a hilarious bear!

He's going in the water holes more often now, and he seems enamored with his toes. He is so cute. Check out a video of him and his mom taking baths.


  1. this is so super cute... I would like to join him ;O)

  2. Wee ones of all ages seem to be fascinated by their toes. Just too cute
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. I can't stop smiling. TT has me with a big grin on my face, he is beyond adorable.. just like a human baby playing with their toes. love it

  4. What a cute video. We really love watching all the bathing bear videos. Teeny Tiny is so funny the way he was sitting up and almost fell over.

  5. Hari OM
    I too am sitting grinning at the screen. How can one not relax and drop the shoulders and just mellow when watching such as this?! YAM xx

  6. What a cutie! I realize he's a wild animal, but these videos make me feel like I'd like to give him a cuddle. Thank you, because they really show a different side of the animals to us who rarely see them except in zoos.

  7. He is just too cute and his overly interest in his toes have me laughing out loud☺

  8. Hee, hee...talk about adorably cute! 🐻 I mean, squeal out loud cute!

  9. TeeHeeHee...Love the way he tries to pick them up to look a them, and then falls over! So stinkin' cute!!

  10. Loved watching this, thank you so much.
    So cute to see how teeny tiny goes about bathing.
    Also wonder what was on the older bears head that it kept touching. Fun fun.

  11. So big and so cute, love those toesies!

  12. That's the cutest video, I love it.

  13. You remind me of the Credence Song "Out my back door."


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