Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Thankful Thursday

I am so thankful for the autumn glory all around us. The trails and forests in Lab Valley are awing me.

Since moving to Lab Valley, I've been working on laying out trails for mountain biking. For the first part of the spring and summer, I rode with Shyla, just following my nose to figure out the best routes to visit different parts of the land. At the end of the summer, I started putting out trail markers so that I'd always follow the best routes. The trail markers were small flags like surveyors use.

Then, a bear sow started bringing her cub to Lab Valley to eat chokecherries. The cub is playful and whimsical. On the mornings after their visits, some of my surveyor's flags were moved. It was hilarious!

Mama bear with her mischievous cub (in the shadows)

Sadly, most of the chokecherries are eaten now, and Mama bear and her cub have moved onto the next part of their fall feast where ever that may be. I am sad to find my flags in place each morning.

But, the upside is that the trails are truly coming along. I love them!

I am so thankful to live at Lab Valley.


  1. you found a wonderful place ... congrats we are so happy with you!!!

  2. The autumn colours are beautiful, and I'm so impressed that you mark out your own mountain bike trails!
    Cheers, Gail.

  3. Your autumn gold colors are just outstanding!

  4. your valley is magnifcent what ever season it is and autumn is stunning. the bear photo is awesome and I am smiling at the flag movers. wonder if the cubs thought they were toys. you are truly blessed to have found your valley

  5. It's great to hear about your exploration of your new land. We enjoy seeing all the new sights with you and just love your fall colors.

  6. Your Lab Valley is aglow and breathtaking. The Golds are very warm and inviting.
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. WoW - Truly Magical - Thanx For Pointing Out Momma Bear There - Travel On And Stay Rowdy


  8. I would be thankful for that too. It's most beautiful.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  9. That little cub thinks he's a surveyor of a different sort! :) It won't be too long before they go to the den for a winter snooze. Enjoy your beautiful landscape while you can.

  10. You must feel like you're waking up in dreamland with all that beauty. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  11. I keep expecting to see little Melissa Gilbert running down a hill.

  12. We are sad fall is way too warm. Hopefully soon the cold will come and give us a good frost to end the continuation of summer. Enjoy making your trails. How fun to set up a whole new area.

  13. The colors are so lovely. Great shot of the bears!

  14. You have certainly found the perfect place!


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