Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Thankful Thursday

Autumn is ending, although I still have lots of photos of it to share. I am so thankful that I have a little greenhouse. It is filled with plants that would not thrive in our high altitude weather without the warmth of a greenhouse. My absolute favorites are tomatoes. We've been eating greenhouse tomatoes all summer and fall. 

We've also discovered that home grown cucumbers are sweet and amazing! My huge crop (ha ha) has included two cucumbers so far. Growing them was an experiment. I am hoping to improve my yield next year!

Thank goodness, after a full day without power, it just came back on. Otherwise, the 15°F temperature predicted for tonight would have killed everything in the greenhouse. I have a small heater in there to help keep the plants from freezing on the cold nights of autumn.


I am also thankful for the valley that we call "Lone Ponderosa Valley". The Lone Ponderosa is in the upper right of the photo. It is where the ashes of our departed pups are buried. During the spring, summer, and fall, Shyla and I rode there daily. We'd bring a bottle of water to help the Columbine seeds that I planted over the graves last fall. The great news is that the plants are doing beautifully. We'll have blossoms there within a couple of years.

Last, I am thankful for our generous neighbors. This photo is from their land. We truly lucked out when we moved in next to them.


  1. we are glad that power came back... and we love the name... it fits perfectly...

  2. this is the most beautiful cemetery ever. wow. you named it perfectly.. waiting to see different seasons as they happen

  3. No power and low temps is no fun. We're glad you are enjoying your new home so much and that you have such nice neighbors.

  4. I hate it when the power is out and it's cold or hot. Cold is worse.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  5. Just a thought - if there aren't a lot of bees or other pollinators available, you may have to hand pollinate your cucumbers. Though if your tomatoes did really well....who knows.

    Keep sharing your autumn photos - they are lovely! We had a bit of snow here this morning, just enough to cover the lids of the garbage and recycling bins. :(

  6. Home grown veggies are the best! We especially love the cucumbers. They are so crisp and juicy! I missed having a garden this year, (although I didn't miss the work). Losing the dogs was I could handle this year. Maybe next year. Enjoy!

  7. I love tomatoes too.
    The columbines are the perfect flower for your Angels
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Wow, love that 'lone ponderosa' image. Truly beautiful. Enjoy those greenhouse tomatoes-there's nothing quite like fresh tomatoes on the vine.

  9. No power is no fun when it's cold. We're so happy that it came back on! Your little greenhouse looks so happy sitting there surrounded by the beautiful autumn foliage.

  10. KB, lately I've been thinking of your greenhouse and wondering how you're finding it - glad to see it's bringing so much pleasure. Often I think about getting one to extend my season. If there's a small greenhouse that will stand up to your Winters, it should certainly stand up to mine. Honestly not sure I have it in me to put one together myself - at least, not one that would actually stand for years. So even if I could get a kit I'd have to find someone to put it together properly. Something to think about. If you have any advice - or warnings - based on your experience, I'd be grateful to hear.

  11. Fresh grown tomatoes are THE best. I have ONE pot on my deck with ONE tomato plant. It's done for the season but I was very thankful for MANY very tasty tomatoes over the past couple of months. How i wish I had a greenhouse too.

  12. Fresh garden cucumbers are sure good. I'm sure glad you got that power back. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thrusday Blog Hop!

  13. Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures. I don't think autumn has even started here. We are skipping it and will go straight into winter.

  14. Witnessing the golden beauty of autumnal aspens is a memory I have that I will always cherish. I remember sniffing the bark of Ponderosa pines as well.
    I am almost feeling homesick - and I am not even American!
    Enjoy your last few days of autumn :) xx

  15. Glad you are getting lots of tomatoes. Mom's dad used to be into vegetable gardens and they always had tons of tomatoes. Gramma did all kinds of canning with them as there were too many to just eat.

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