Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, October 15, 2021

Teeny Tiny plays with his mom in a water hole

Teeny Tiny's mom is a bear who I've followed since she was a cub. It's been cool to see her go from a silly little cub to a caring mother. 

I don't know how she ended up with only one cub this year. It's not ideal because a solo cub has no other cubs to play with. As I've watched the clips of his mother in a water hole with him, I've been so impressed with how she plays with him.

In this video, watch mama bear and her cub interact. It's really fun!


  1. What a sweet video of those two in the spring together.

  2. I could watch thig video all day long. And I feel so sorry for our bears that have no water to play in. It's so dry here, I don't think it's much better at higher altitudes. And they are coming down, so they are looking for better living conditions, which may include my trash cans. Sadly for both bears and me. Thank you for your videos, it's so lovely to see nature as it should be and the animals enjoying a good life.

  3. Great video! Teeny Tiny is getting big - and mom is very patient with him.

  4. He is so entertaining, the ear washing, and to see them play together, another great insight into the bear family habits.

  5. Great fun. I particularly love the bit towards the end where the cub goes and sits upright in the water - just like a human child might!

  6. Looks like a scene one could see at at neighborhood pool...splish splash he is having a smashing time.
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. she's a good Mom - she might prefer some quiet time to soak in that muddy spa, but she takes the time to play with Teeny:)

  8. Great video! I wonder if Teeny is so big for his age because he got All The Milk? Plus Tiny's genes...

    Chris from Boise

  9. Not having siblings does make more work for the mom, but she seems to really enjoy playing with the cub and I bet they have a great bond.

  10. teeny tiny isn't teeny any more.. the cub is growing so quickly and they are precious together

  11. Aww, such a good mama bear. Love how the cub tries to act so grown up standing on his hind feet.


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