Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Shyla Saturday

On one of the last days when the aspen leaves were on the trees, Shyla and I had lots of fun doing photography. I cannot imagine a more cooperative model.

She happily galloped through the aspens, and I happily tried to photograph her. We laughed and had fun! These times with Shyla make me so happy.

Within another 48 hours, the temperature plummeted and the wind blew so hard that many people, including us, lost our power. The leaves all came down from the trees. Then, it snowed enough to stick for more than 24 hours. That marked the end of autumn and the start of winter.

Most years, I am super sad at the end of autumn. This year, I am surprised to find myself looking forward to the darkness and cold - because I need a rest.

We are going to take a short break. Hopefully, this break will give us a chance to catch our breath.


  1. Gorgeous autumn photos of you, Shyla! Enjoy your break.

  2. Hari Om
    R&R - may it be that exactly! YAM xx

  3. KB what beautiful photos of your girl
    You have had a very busy busy year with the move and renovations...you need a rest
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. Shyla sure looks happy to pose and romp through those yellow leaves for you.

  5. her eyes are so beautiful and are totally mesmerizing! that first photo of her face is just perfection. enjoy your break

  6. Enjoy your break. Stay safe and warm.

  7. The best model in those leaves. Enjoy the break and store up some outside days before the snow drops all round.

  8. relax and rest well! breaks are necessary. XO

  9. Catch your breath and find an agent for your photogenic Shyla! She's such a willing and gorgeous model. Sending hugs and tail wags as you rejuvenate and relax.

  10. A little hibernation is good for the soul. Hope the workmen can take a break too, so you have some honest to goodness peace and quiet.

    Chris from Boise

  11. Enjoy your break and we'll enjoy the beautiful Shyla!

  12. And just like that it is winter! So different to what we experience.
    Enjoy your break, rest lots, spend time together, laugh and be happy :)

  13. Perfect photos of Shyla running through the glorious aspens. Here in Scotland, it's been unseasonably warm so far this autumn, and only a few of the trees have turned colour. Perhaps a reminder to the world leaders who will soon be descending on Glasgow for the COP26 climate conference that all is not well with the world's weather...

  14. Enjoy your break and come back rested and refreshed. Shyla is such an excellent companion. Her photos just ooze "I love you, KB".


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