Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Cats, bears, elk, and moose all share a forest path

Our break is over. It certainly gave us a good breather to gain perspective on all that we've done in the past year. We are both really liking our new house - it feels like home now, and that's a great feeling.

For a blog restart, I'd like to share a video from a forest path near our new place that is used by a lot of wildlife. Cats of all sorts tend to strut along the path. However, since late last winter, mountain lions have been rare in this spot. My cams used to pick up a lion every two weeks or so.

When I checked this cam, I was overjoyed to see that a mountain lion had used the path. As he walked down the path, it became clear that he had a big limp in a hind limb. I hope that he can recover quickly. He needs full use of his hind limbs to capture prey.

You'll also see a Mama bear with her two cubs. My cams have seen this family all over the area, moving from one chokecherry hot spot to the next. The cubs are almost always incredibly well behaved, trotting along behind their mom. I'll share some highlights of this family's summer sometime soon.

Enjoy the video.


  1. Hari Om
    good to have you back and so pleased to hear it felt like properly coming home on the new place! As always, thoroughly enjoyed the window onto the wildlife. YAM xx

  2. Welcome back! So many beautiful animals strolling by and the cubs are getting so big!

  3. the bobcat looks like he is walking on tippy toes. hey sure have long legs for the size of their body. Bears are more proportioned. that baby is sooooo sweet bringing up the rear..something about the baby bear reminds me of my Big Boy... My beloved Beau is not doing well, he has been on Meloxican and gabapenon for a months, 3 weeks of no ball games and just short walks. he got worse so I took for xray, on his blog today is the email with diagnoses . his ACL is torn, suggests surgery not an option, other things and for the last 32 hours he has had diahrheaa really strong blasts and just now threw up the first food he ate in 3 days
    i need suggestions on how to safely get him in and out of the suv... he can't do his walks or ball games and both of us have broken hearts and added to it all we can't stand the vet....https://fourpawsetc.blogspot.com/2021/11/beaus-bad-news.html

    1. forgot this, it has been raining for all the 30 hours and he has to go out in the rain, he does it but we both hate it... no rain for a month until he got sick. he had an accident in the house at 3 am because i was so exhausted i did not hear him try to get me up

  4. You sure found the animal super highway near your new home. Those cubs sure look like they are a good size already.

  5. Welcome back, glad you had a good break.

    What an incredible array of wildlife in the video. It amazes me that prey and predator use the same path.

  6. I've missed you. It's good to have you back.

    Love the video. So precious.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  7. I add my welcome back to you too! So happy to hear your new home suits all of you to a T.
    I love the video.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. So nice to see these wonderful videos in my feed again! Glad you are settling into Lab Valley!!

  9. Welcome back and your break sounds like just what you needed. What a wildlife super-highway! I continue to be amazed at how much daytime action there is.

    Chris from Boise

  10. What wonderfully clear video footage of all those large animals parading past. You chose a great spot for the camera. Thanks for sharing. Good to have you back!
    Cheers, Gail.

  11. We were just wondering what happened as we hadn't seen a post in a while. Glad you had a nice break and more importantly you love where you are living. Great video. We love to see all the wildlife.

  12. Welcome back Blogging Friend! I also took a month long break for similar reasons and for me, it was needed to put my life back into perspective and balance. I'm glad you're enjoying your new home and I hope as we both restart our blogs, that we can both keep the focus and have fun doing those things that mean the most.❤

  13. Yes, welcome back, we've missed you too. That is such a fun video with those beautiful creatures!

  14. Welcome back, KB. We have missed you. That was quite the parade of animals, but the bears are by far our favorites.

  15. My goodness, that pathway is a lot like I-25! Great video. Welcome back!


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