Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Shyla Saturday

Shyla loves to howl in the desert. Her voice echos off the cliffs, and she thinks that someone is answering her.

That leads to more howls and gives me time to make fun images of her howling! Believe me, I made lots of them during our recent getaway.

She is doing well. I did notice that she'd slowed a bit in the desert. I think that the rocky surfaces are tougher on a dog's joints than soft grassy surfaces like we have in the mountains. She'll be turning ten soon so I am grateful that she can still run with me!


  1. Hari Om
    The pawfect yodel..errr... model!!! YAM xx

  2. Such a beautiful Shyla, we love her howling photos!

  3. HOL HOL Shyla... I love echoes too.
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. Shyla sure looks happy to be howling.

  5. Hot Diggity Dog - Award Worthy Capturing Imagines Once Again - So Pleased About You And The Tribes Recent Adventures - Stay Strong My Friend


  6. Dogs Naturally Magazine has a shop that has joint supplements. I am also trying Dr Mercola's joint supplements. It is hard when they slow down.

  7. LOVE your howling pics. She is such a sweetheart.

  8. Those are both beautiful shots of Shyla howling in the desert. But I'm sure you're right about the rocks being tough on her joints.
    Bertie's bark echoes off the hill behind our Torridon cottage and if left to his own devices he could stand there all day answering back at himself!

  9. The last photo is gorgeous. I've never known a dog to pose the way Shyla does.

  10. I forgot to say that I'm amazed that Shyla is 10 already, time goes by so fast, even more so when you have dogs, I think.

  11. Beautiful Shyla, beautiful scenery!

    For what it's worth, we started Obi on Dasuquin at age 10 per our veterinarian's recommendation, after he (Obi) started seeming a little ouchy after hikes. It seems to have helped, and he's still hiking strongly at age 12.

    Chris from Boise

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. she looks like she grew out of the stone in the first one. both are so beautiful of your precious girl.. Beau is very ill, and has torn acl, hips displagia and bad knees, also had reaction to sedation and has been ill for five days, better today

  14. Beautiful Shyla. That is a song we would love to hear. Maybe the pups hear would join in.


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