Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Black Dog Joy

We visited a place in the desert where we had many joyful times with our Black Dog. He and Shyla used to chase each other across a mesa with a dramatic desert backdrop. They ran with wild abandon. Our Black Dog sometimes burst out into wild barking because he was having such fun. Then, his barks would echo off the canyon's cliffs. He'd hear the echoes, and he'd have to answer that other dog who sounded just like him. His wild joy was infectious.

His joy engendered adoration from all of us. You can see that in Shyla's eyes as they raced side-by-side. This is our calendar photo for this month.

His spirit will always be with me when we visit this spot. Last year, I moped a bit, wishing for more wild races between him and Shyla. I had trouble figuring out how to have fun without him. This year, I tried to make new games that we could play with Shyla and Hachi. We had fun but I still missed our Black Dog's joyful barks. I always will.



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  3. Hari Om
    So good to see R appear on the screen this morning... YAM xx

  4. What lovely memories of R. That's a great picture of he and Shyla racing toward you.

  5. Seeing photos of R when he was healthy and happy are wonderful.

  6. R, he gave off so much joy, and happiness, in his ears, eyes and smile. Always missed, but those memories of your times there will bring some easing to the gap that will always be in your life.I know R would so want you to be happy there where once you all played and laughed together.

  7. Such a joyful presence, wrapped up in fur.

  8. What a beautiful photo of R and Shyla together. It's the perfect calendar photo!

  9. I can imagine those barks echoing off the walls, you'll hear them forever and know that he still loves you too.

  10. I miss reading about the regal and noble R. Thank for keeping his memory alive.

  11. oh R... what wonderful photos of this two.... and what a wonderful background for this pups...


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