Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

A bull elk with a vendetta against my trail cams

All fall, we've had a bull elk living nearby. He's the one who bugled a lot near our house and who shepherded his harem through our valley. He also loves visiting a couple of wallows in a nearby valley.

It seems that he's taken a dislike to my trail cams. He attacked two of them in the past few weeks. He moved the first one so far that I thought that it had been stolen. I eventually found it. As for the second one, he snuck up from behind it and damaged it pretty badly.

Check out the video of this guy going after my cams.


  1. some super stars are very shy and they don't like it to be in the medias ;O)

  2. that is crazy, has this ever happened before? wildlife hating your cam? must be the clicking noise it makes.

  3. Hari Om
    yeah, some celebs just don' like the papparazzi!!! YAM xx

  4. We think you should sue that elk for damaging your camera. BOL!

  5. Some critters don't like to be photographed. He's spotted a foreign object and he's going to take care of it.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  6. Oh my. That bull elk certainly took umbrage at the cameras. Can you put them up higher and focus down and out?

  7. Take that!!! and That!! And MORE!!! Wow, he was so adamant that the trailcam didn't see another day, camera shy, a light? or just a strange object he objected to so strongly!!! A huge pity it was so damaged, and guess it was up high to start with.I had to smile at his determination, but sad about the huge damage. Hope you can smile a little at his strong attack.

  8. Wow - he surely doesn't like to have his picture taken!

  9. I guess Mr. Elk requires prior approval before a selfie

  10. He is obviously like one of the human paparazzi haters. He enjoys his privacy and destroys cameras, LOL!

  11. Oh yea, he sure don't like that one bit!

  12. Yikes! Especially sorry for the damaged cam. What a hoodlum!


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