Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, November 15, 2021

The Hachi Chronicle

During our time in the desert, the Runner found a deer antler. He decided that he wanted to hide it on our favorite secret slickrock to see if anyone found it before we returned. Hachi had other ideas. He watched where the Runner hid it and immediately stole it from its hiding place.

For his whole life, Hachi has buried all valuable things that he finds. At home, he buries antlers and bones all around our meadow. This slickrock threw a monkey wrench into his usual plan because you can't bury anything on it. So, he headed off.


It is a big place. A bit later, he was way below us. Do you see him?


He was heading for the edge of the slickrock. He knew that there was dirt down there so he could cache his treasure. For his sake, I won't show the photo of where the treasure is buried. I wonder if Hachi will find it again when we return?

With the antler buried, Hachi sprinted straight up the slickrock to us.

What an amazingly cute escapade!

Overall, Hachi is doing great. We can feel how open he is to learning so we're taking full advantage of it. He's been visiting the vet hospital parking lot and even the door to the exam room where he's gone in the past. He's been practicing his vet routine with us. And, he's meeting a new trainer early next week to work on getting to know a stranger (the trainer!). We are so optimistic.



  1. we are sure he will find it back ... we dogs have a ginormous memory for our hidden treasures LOL

  2. That's a great story. Clever Hachi. For sure he'll find his buried treasure again one day!

  3. I betcha you won't forget where your precious antler is buried, Hachi!

  4. Hari Om
    Oh this is such a joyous scene!!! (and post... well done Hachi.) YAM xx

  5. He's a lucky pup to get to have so many wonderful adventures. Your conditioning is paying off for all of you.

  6. You weren't fooled by the Runner were you, Hachi. We bet the next time you go back to visit the desert you will find your buried antler. It wonderful to hear he is doing so well with his training, too.

  7. Outstanding - Life Is Better Running On Four Paws - Go Team Human


  8. Hidden treasure, I'm sure Hachi will know the exact place to go and find it next time. He is doing so well, and in that vast expanse, he knows the way out there and back to you again, maybe the built in radar.

  9. Pups all have their personalities. I love to see what they do. They are all different in so many ways.

    Beautiful shots as always.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  10. Hachi what is theirs is yours and what's yours is yours!
    Gorgeous photos
    Hugs cecilia

  11. this is such a really good story, makes me happy for him.. he is so beautiful and smart. We were discussing bob's find in our back yard. Our angel dog Cooper buried every toy he got, eventually. some we found some never showed up. Cooper has been gone since 2007. yesterday bob was moving some dirt along the fence with the shovel and there was a squeaky toy, been there for many years, he loved squeaky toys

  12. Hachi sure seems to be having a big old time and we're so glad to see him happy like that!

  13. What a smarty-pants you are, Mister Hachi! Great story and photos - that is one determined lad.

    "We can feel how open he is to learning" - I can remember when it seemed like this would never come. You two - and Shyla - are doing amazing work with Hachi.

    Chris from Boise

  14. He sure looks happy and like he is enjoying life. We hope his training continues to progress on a positive path.

  15. oh how exciting for him! Happy Hachi!
    we all love you Boy! he feels Safe with you. XO

  16. We'll keep our paws crossed no creature finds the antler on the next visit. That rock sure is impressive in size!

  17. We sure do hope that antler is right there for Hachi when you return. We wonder if the hiding of "goodies" relates to his early days on the street. Way to go, Hachi!!!


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