Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Black Dog Sunday

We are still waiting for our first real snow of the year. As I thought about the recent warmth and dry weather, I realized that we had a really big storm on this date a couple of years ago. Our Black Dog was starting to slow down but he and I went out to play in the snow. The snow drifts were as tall as him!

He was almost completely blind at that point but he romped through the snow joyfully.

I'm so glad that we went out to play in that storm. Going out to play is never a mistake! 

Happy Black Dog Sunday!


  1. "Going out to play is never a mistake". We agree!
    There is a sprinkling of snow here in Aberdeen this morning, but not what you would call "real snow".

  2. he was so amazing after he lost most of his sight and so sweet and peeking over the hill of snow melted my heart

  3. I say ditto play is never a mistake!!
    R lived a joyful life...just adjusting and moving forward
    Hugs cecilia

  4. Playing in the snow is so much fun. We love the photo of you peeking from behind the drift, R♥

  5. Playing in the snow brings out the kid in all of us, pups included. :)

  6. That is a great life lesson from R. We are still waiting for our first real snow here too.

  7. He was so full of joy, your Black Dog.

  8. R, you had happiness written in capitals, those photos are a reminder of your resilience, inner strength and determination to enjoy every day to the utmost, come snow or sunshine. Live on in our hearts.

  9. "Going out to play is never a mistake!" As several others have said: YES!

    Rowan and Obi from Boise

  10. Play is the spice of life:) My pups would love even a fraction of that snowfall. We love seeing R finding joy in the snow.

  11. Play is good for the soul! Like you I'm quite concerned we are absent the presence of white stuff but continue to be hopeful.


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