Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Shyla Saturday

Shyla is a bright light in Hachi's world. From his youngest days, she gently lured him into play. Often, these lures were soft looks as the two of them ran side-by-side. She still does the same kind of looks toward him to this day. It's because Shyla loves playing with Hachi as much as he loves playing with her.

Shyla is central to our dog-human pack. She is everyone's best friend.

From her difficult start in this world, Shyla has blossomed to an extent that we never foresaw. We all love her.


  1. You are one very special girl, Shyla.

  2. Shyla sharing your special bond, which I imagine you learned from your Black dog, is what I call paying universal love and kindness, forward. I can see Hachi adores you too
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. Shyla sure is special. Her example of your hard work shows what potential Hachi has, too.

  4. Beautiful girl! The photos make me smile.

  5. A golden girl in the desert, shining with happiness.

  6. Hachi is blessed to have a compassionate big sister.

  7. Such a sweet girl who is the 'pawfect' running companion for her brother.

  8. sweet beautiful Shyla. her face says it all. XO

  9. We echo that sentiment - we all love Shyla too.

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