Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, November 26, 2021

Wildlife travel a path deep in a gulch

 Deep in a gulch, there's a forest path used by all sorts of wildlife. It is fun to see each species travel past the cam. A mama moose and her calf passed it more than once during the summer and fall, and it's amazing to see how fast the calf grew! Other starring species include bears, one of whom had a couple of cute cubs.

Check out the video if you have time.


  1. the mama wants the mama mose and the little one... can you ask them please if they would love to live in france?

  2. Bear cubs and a moose calf. Love it!

  3. We love seeing the younger ones and we're happy to see that some turkeys escaped the Thanksgiving table!

  4. There were lots of babies to see today. Those young turkeys were so cute and the bear cubs look pretty fat so hopefully they will have a great long winter nap.

  5. I find it fascinating that so many species use the same path, especially those that would be prey to the predators. Very cool footage!

  6. You should win an award for your webcam videos!
    Hugs cecilia

  7. I always have time for your videos, they are fabulous. One reason they are so great is your knowledge of the animals, their behavior, their travel habits and so on. I'm always itching to set up cameras around my land to see who really lives here. Other than coyote trails, I would have no idea where to place them. And why are there no moose in California. I must google that.

  8. The turkeys were safe out there, the moose baby, and slowly over the days the temperature dropped little by little. Baby bear, did you really want to climb the tree, then decide it was better not to get left behind? What a grand place for the trailcam.

  9. What a fun wildlife highway!! I especially like the fun turkey family! LOL

  10. So fun to see day and night passers by. Love the fur color on the bear.

  11. they are so UGLY and at the same time so Beautiful! they make me smile to see them walk. the bears walk like I do and the turkeys are MOVING must have heard about TG dinner

  12. KB, have you read "Illumination In The Flatwoods", by Joe Hutto? A wonderful true story about wild turkeys. Highly recommended. Great video, and yes that moose calf sprouted like a weed!

    Chris from Boise

  13. Amazing! Looks like they are all heading down the runway to get their Grammy award. Betsy


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