Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Sunrise Sunday

This view made me smile at sunrise the other morning. I am so grateful that we can see the sunrise sky from our house.



  1. You live in such a beautiful place, thanks for sharing. The sun will come over the moutains soon, I will go and look.

  2. You sure have spectacular skies to look at. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Deep colours at sunrise, is this the traditional " Shepherds' warning" They can be so fleeting, a perfect capture. I am hoping your second wrist is healing well, and surgery was a success.XX

  4. KB thank you and what a gorgeous photo for Valentine's Eve.
    I hope your recent surgery is healing nicely
    Hugs cecilia

  5. Beautiful! Sadly, I'm surrounded by houses so rarely see the sunrise or sunset.

  6. Spectacular! We have been getting some lovely sunrises in my corner of France too lately.

  7. Thank you for sharing such beauty with us! Lee and Phod

  8. O MY! that has got to make any healing better. Inside and out! XO


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