Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for the full moon! This was from last month. It is snowing too hard to see the moon right now.

My wrists are healing so I hope to be back consistently soon.


  1. Hari OM
    Keep healing - a pic like this now and then will keep us happy! YAM xx

  2. we wish you all the best...for a good and fast recovery...

  3. thankful for the update! hope you are back soon to your normal daily. the snowing to hard is good for your part of the country, and the animals,.

  4. Glad to hear your wrists are healing up. Take care and we'll see you soon.

  5. Glad you're doing better. Great news.

    Wow, what a beautiful shot. You're a whiz with that camera of yours.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  6. So glad to hear your wrists are on the mend! I was so looking forward to my first "Moonrise over the Sandias" here in Albuquerque yesterday...and the clouds moved in. Oh well, next month for sure!

  7. Heavy snowfalls will give great moisture to the ground, let that healing go slowly,Hugh was told to do nothing repetitive for at least 6 weeks, that included sweeping with a broom!!! Beautiful glow on the trees and the snow.

  8. Absolutely beautiful! We send you lots and lots of healing vibes, KB.

  9. We love full moons and love to hear your wrists are healing.

  10. What a beautiful full moon shot. We're glad to hear you are healing well and are keeping our paws crossed that you make a full recovery soon.

  11. That is such a beautiful scene, we love your neck of the woods and I'm glad you're healing is progressing. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  12. Beautiful colors in that photo. Hope your wrists heal quickly and feel much better.

  13. Happy dance for your wrists!! Wonderful news.
    That is one glorious Snow Moon.
    I just heard this term for the first time this year. It is fitting too
    Hugs cecilia

  14. What a beautiful moonscape! Glad to hear your wrist is recovering. Keep it up. We're always looking forward to your next incredible photo/video.

  15. Glad your wrists are healing. Thankful for the snow too! Your photos make me smile!


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