Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Sunrise Sunday

We have had a winter of incredible sunrises. This was a recent one.

Just as it started to get light, the sky lit up. You can see the sky reflected in the greenhouse (where there are actually plants growing, even in the depths of winter!).

The forest silhouetted against the sky was gorgeous.

Even if I cannot ride my bike to fun places for sunrise, I can certainly enjoy views like this one from my house!


  1. i have to echo Yam's word Jawdropping and add Gobsmacked by this sunrise from you home and close with WOW

  2. The view that is unbeatable. no power lines, no roads, nature in all its glorious colours.

  3. The sky takes your breath away. And how I love a forest like the one you live in.

  4. Wow, such deep and intense colours. Just stunning!

  5. Those skies take my breathe away! So glad to hear your wrists are healing. Continuing to send good vibes. Lady for Lee and Phod

  6. You sure have a spectacular view from your house. We're just a bit jealous but are thankful that you share your beautiful skies with all of us.

  7. These pics are mind-blowing! I can not begin to imagine seeing the entire skyline. Thank you for sharing. Hope you are healing well.

  8. Absolutely breathtaking...WOW
    I'm happy you are healing nicely
    Hugs cecilia

  9. Incredible colors! You do have the most amazing views from your home.

  10. Holy cow, what a sunrise! So happy that you have plants growing in the greenhouse (we need photos)!

    Chris from Boise


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