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Friday, December 26, 2014

A Labraduo Snow Day

As promised, a snow storm painted our world white overnight. I was thrilled to have both halves of the Labraduo with me on the trails!
I was "riding" my snow bike (still my "old" one as I wait for my new one to arrive), but I have to admit that I spent most of the time reveling in the Duo's joy at our first really big snow of the year.
I especially felt thrilled to see R frolicking in the snow because he missed most of last winter's snow play due to elbow surgery. He was a an unstoppable flurry of energy, and his elbow seems to have endured the tough workout just fine.
His sister egged him on to play and run even faster. Shyla loves it when R joins us for bike rides.
The Duo became more covered with frost and snow as our outing went on. Not only were they galloping through deep snow but it was still falling into our absolutely frigid world.
The Duo sometimes got bogged down in drifts that seemed almost as tall as them.
I am so thankful that this boy was able to join us today!
I think that the snow was the best Christmas present that the Duo received this year!


  1. The first picture made me laugh and laugh! The Duo really had themselves a time! In the third snap, R almost looks like a pup.
    This post reminds me of my first Irish Wolfhound, who came to me as a pup from Arizona, when I was still living in Colorado. When her first snowfall came along, she was both astonished and delighted. I think for her entire life she believed that Snow was something I could arrange for her entertainment. :)

  2. Looks like the snow was indeed the perfect Christmas gift for the duo. What fun they must have had and what fun for you to watch them frolic.

  3. they're just adorable - and two at once is wonderfulness. :)

  4. Winter wonderland, with the Duo, what a wonderful day together, and the snowfall, great timing. Enjoy your weekend, or are the Saturdays and Sundays like any other day? Jean.

  5. What a wonderful snow day!
    Mr Bailey & Hazel

  6. They look like they're having so much fun!! That's a lot of SNOW!!! :D How are you able to get your bike through all of that?

  7. Shyla and R-- sure had a good day!!!

  8. There is magic and energy in these photos. We only received a dusting but Zsofia had the same expression of total glee.

  9. Lucky, lucky you, R and Shyla ☺

  10. They look like they had a marvelous time!

    Monty and Harlow

  11. We sure do love seeing those snow noses!!!

  12. We had over a foot of snow a few weeks ago and all of it is gone. We are in the lower 50's here today so no white Christmas for us. :-(

  13. I love seeing them both out in the snow. They look so happy together!

    I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

    Anne and Sasha

  14. Two kids playing in the snow
    Lily & Edward

  15. Wow, what great action shots of the Duo!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  16. They look so happy! I am jealous of your snow.

  17. Great shots! I wish I could let my dogs run like that without worrying they'd never come back. Not trusting the training, at least on Latte. Java is generally okay. I tried your suggestion of using continuous focus setting and got a little better action shot of her. Practice...


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