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Monday, June 25, 2018

Tiny the Black Bear Hanging out with Sow(s)

Black Bear mating season is in absolute full swing. Every single video clip that I get of Tiny, our biggest black bear, shows him with a sow.

Tiny is a bear who you cannot mistaken for anyone else. He is truly gigantic. My guess is that his weight is north of 300 lbs.

His size really scares people who see him. I've had to soothe the fears few neighbors who reacted to seeing him by wanting to call the wildlife authorities on him. However, if you observe the role that Tiny plays in our bear population, it becomes clear that he really just wants to be a bear. He doesn't want to be near people, except when bear crops fail so he's too hungry to resist the garbage and bird feeders that people carelessly leave out. Every year, I hope with all my heart that he'll survive the dangers of humans to rule our bear world again.
For the second year in a row, he's having issues with his hind leg fur. Last year, it made sense because he had injured the leg. This year, I don't know why he's lost a patch of fur.

It's not slowing him down with the ladies. The two photos above were from the only couple of hours that I've seen him without a sow this month.

His massive stature and handsomeness don't mean that the sows just worship him. In fact, one of the smaller sows decided that he was being too forward, and she rebuffed him. He approached her with a laser focus while grunting at her. She bared her teeth and pushed him with her two front paws. She surprised him with her feistiness! This was the instant when she pushed him away.

I made a short video of Tiny's travels with the sows over a few days earlier this month. Be sure to listen to the audio as you watch the video. Bears often vocalize when they're with other bears. You can watch here or at Youtube.


  1. they are beautiful... and always if I see your free bears my heart is heavy for the poor guys in zoos or circusses ;O(((

    1. Yes, my heart is heavy about that too. Bears should be allowed to be bears.

  2. They sure are amazing and we love seeing them!

    1. Glad that you enjoy them. Another family kitty appearance happened which I'll show you soon. I know how you love the kitties!

  3. He seems to be "The Guy." Think of all those good genes he is passing along.

    1. It is cool to think about how many of the cubs next year will be his, and have his magnificent genes!

  4. Tiny is one magnificent hunk of bear... I love the way his fur looks in sunshine... she must have had a headache....

    1. Ha ha! Yes, a headache. I noticed that Tiny is looking pretty tired...

  5. Tiny sure is persistent. It would be interesting to see how many babies he has produced.

    1. Wouldn't it be fun if we could know which cubs are Tiny's? With Milton (former lead bear), it was more clear because they'd sometimes have a white patch on their chests, just like him.

  6. Poor Tiny! How could she not fall for him?! :). I love following your wildlife; I love it when, as you said, bears can be bears!

  7. Awwwww - poor rebuffed Tiny. That lady bear sure did put him in his place!

  8. Tiny is most tall, dark, handsome and muscular I can see why they sows like hanging out with him.
    Hugs madi and mom

  9. What remarkable footage! Tiny is gorgeous but I'm happy to see that he respects a woman's right to say "no." Did his hair grow back after his injury? I truly enjoyed your video.

  10. We are chuckling at the comment about the sow having a headache:) She obviously did not like what Tiny was vocalizing to her! Tiny just wants to be a Papa Bear.

  11. Lots of mileage for their courtship.Poor girl, she might have been so tired. Love their talking!!!

  12. He is a big guy! We feel sure he found himself a sow who appreciates him. :)
    There are issues with bears in our state all the time. I wish people would learn not to attract them to their yards.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  13. It is nice that Tiny understands no means no!

  14. You go Tiny but if you were human you would be part of the #MeToo movement

  15. Such a nice bear. Hope he manages to stick around for a long time.

  16. Oh, poor Tiny, wells there a lots of other Bears in the forest! um, rights? I hopes Tiny gets a gal soon, he is just too handsome! Mark on Tiny, mark on...
    Ruby ♥

  17. Tiny is magnificent!
    Hazel & Mabel

  18. Wow, he's so much bigger than the sow(s)! Love watching him mark trees!

  19. What a handsome fella...and quite the Casanova too, LOL!


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