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Sunday, June 28, 2015

Sunset Sunday

The days of afternoon thunderstorms sometimes bring gorgeous sunsets. That's happened a few times recently.

Last night's sunset featured unique cloud formations on the western horizon.

When the setting sun paints the eastern sky in brilliant colors, it's a chance to capture a canine silhouette... The rock that Shyla stood on for this photo is the same one where I've seen coyotes standing to survey the meadows below. Perhaps we should name it "Coyote Rock".
Happy Sunday!


  1. We love those cloud formations and the Shyla formation too!

  2. The clouds and the sunset are just amazing. We would much rather see a silhouette of beautiful Shyla than a coyote although that must be an interesting watch too.

  3. i like the 'dragon head' coming from the orange plume. :)

  4. The clouds are so powerful and lovely at the same time. I always enjoy the silhouettes of sweet Shyla.

  5. Beautiful sunset. She looks so happy and free up on that rock

  6. Wow! Those are all gorgeous! We were in Fort Collins last night for the MS-150, and our sunset wasn't nearly as spectacular. Thank you for sharing a brilliant one!

  7. Ditto to Tex, a Dragon's head, with long legs running behind. Superb silhouette.

  8. Shyla the rock picture really rocks... it's amazing!!!!
    easy rider

  9. Beautiful photos and colors!

  10. You should see what pollution does! Gorgeous sunsets
    Lily & Edward

  11. Such beautiful sunsets you have
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  12. We don't often get nice sunsets around here so thanks for sharing such fabulous pictures.

  13. The sky is painted sooo beautifully! And the clouds!


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