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Sunday, November 22, 2015

Black Dog Sunday

I love when I can capture R's beautiful eyes in a photo. This was just as the sun went down. The light was soft enough for his eyes to shine true and brown.
Happy Black Dog Sunday!


  1. R's eyes are beautiful and clearly reflect his spirit:-)

  2. You are such a handsome gent, R!

  3. Perfect portrait of the Gentleman Dog! :)

  4. Getting a good shot of canine eyes isn't easy but you did it here!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  5. You sure are a handsome dude R and that is a most wonderful photo!

  6. You get such gorgeous photos of your R - I struggle with Maggie, our black dog. Thanks for sharing.

  7. He does have such beautiful deep eyes! What a cutie pie!

  8. Such deep, soulful eyes....I have a heck of a time getting shots of Arty's eyes....but your have captured R's perfectly!

  9. Such a beautiful face. He always makes us smile.

  10. What a handsome boy. And what a talented photographer.

  11. :D
    Also best wishes with the medical stuff.

  12. He looks rather serious. Lovely photograph.

  13. He is Paul Newman, Robert Redford, and all those handsome guys rolled up in a
    dog. If blogville gave an Oscar then R would win Best of everything.
    xo Happy Crazy Love
    xo Cinnamon and Linda

  14. there is so much love in his eyes... and I would like give him a hug :o)

  15. I have a soft spot for black dogs because of my Daisy. Gorgeous picture!!


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