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Tuesday, November 22, 2016

A puppy comes to visit

We had a wonderful little puppy named Sadie come to visit for an evening recently. She's a mix, including Lab and Shepherd. She is a cutie!

R knew right away that he wanted to play with the puppy. He repeatedly pawed at her in a playful way.

And, that's how a friendship started. The puppy was here for about three hours, and she played with R almost continuously that whole time.

Shyla was worried about the puppy for a lot of the time. This is the same puppy as Shyla growled at when I paid too much attention to her the first time we met. Over the course of the evening, Shyla gradually decided that she wanted to play too. She kept bringing different toys and enticing the puppy to chase her. It worked a few times, with the two of them doing laps around our living room, although the puppy couldn't even come close to keeping up with Shyla.

However, the puppy was more enamored with R's play style.

I felt sort of badly for Shyla as she watched them play. So, I played with Shyla to keep her happy while the other two roughhoused.

During the evening, R had to take a break from playing to do his elbow exercises. As you know, some of them involve him propping his front paws on his yellow peanut. Sadie tried to do the exercises in tandem with R but that didn't work too well because she couldn't keep up. However, after he finished with the peanut, Sadie did her own imitation routine on the peanut. It made us laugh and laugh!

We are planning more play visits for Sadie, which will be tons of fun! R can keep tutoring her on how to play like a big dog, and Shyla will hopefully figure out how to join in!
I adore puppies so I'll love any future visits too!


  1. Oh such a cute visitor and such a social gal too!

  2. 3 happy dogs in one house, oh how much fun that must have been.
    Sadie is a cutie pie.
    Happy Crazy Love

    xo Astro

  3. Awww oh myyyy...they are too adorable!!
    Very cute pictures! Love seeing your posts, thank you for sharing.
    Have a great day :)

  4. What fun to have a puppy visit☺

  5. Shyla is no dummy, she'll sort it out!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  6. Hari OM
    Oh Shyla, a little bit of two's company, eh? Don't worry darlin', pups are notoriously fickle and Sadie will want to check you out too!!! What a heartlifter... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. The way R paws at Sadie is so cute. I am sure Shyla will figure out how to play with her bother and new friend soon. We love seeing happy dogs

  8. Sadie seems really smart, mimicking R on the peanut that way :) Too cute!

  9. Love the 'teeth' photo. That's our favourite game!

  10. It's always fun to have a puppy visit!

  11. We bet that was a fun three hours for all of you. Sadie is very cute - she is going to be a gorgeous big girl. There is a new puppy in our family as of today. The three bipeds, K, J, and C, welcomed a sweet 12 week old Golden Retriever home today. We will share her on our blog once we get some pics.

  12. She is a real gorgeous girl, and I am wondering if you will have a new addition to your canine family? Or was Sadie really there for just a visit? Interesting to see how R and Shyla react when she comes in.

  13. Super cute! I bet R and Sadie slept well that night. I hope that Shyla gets more play time in next time, too :)

  14. What a cutie! I love her brindle paws like our Millie has.

  15. LOL, I know a game of Bitey-Face when I see one! So much fun when dogs want to play with pups!

  16. how cute they look together... and what big paws this little cutie has... beautiful!

  17. How fun!! I bet R and Shyla will love more visits.

  18. Adorable (and am glad to get your posts now by email ... thanks for setting that up!)

  19. OMD, Sadie sure knows how to play bitey face!!

  20. What a wonderful playmate for your two! Hopefully she'll get used to Shyla and vice versa and they'll become the best of friends. Wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving!
    Hugs, Noreen and Hunter

  21. What a beautiful puppy! And it looks like she and R had the best time. I'm sure Shyla will figure things out; she's a smart girl.


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