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Saturday, February 4, 2017

Mother Nature's Wonders in Colorado

Just when I thought that it wasn't possible, it was even more beautiful this morning than yesterday! This photo was at sunrise so the snow was tinted red by the sunlight. If you look really closely, you can see Shyla waiting for me at the top of the hill.

The hoar frost was stuck to everything, again! With the sun out and a light breeze, I knew that the frost wouldn't last for long so we played like crazy in the magical world.

Sometimes, I wonder how I got so lucky as to have Shyla as my riding companion and best friend. Her joy is infectious.

I smile and smile as I watch her zoom around.

Our trails, most of which have a deep layer of snow on them, are in superb condition right now. The snow is packed so solidly that I can ride fast, with the only danger being the icy spots. Lots of the trails wend through aspen groves. The aspen trees lining the trails were delicately beautiful this morning.
Happy Saturday from Colorado!


  1. How GORGEOUS and Magical your world is KB!! It reminds me so much of when we rented a home in Cloudcroft, NM! Have you ever been there? It is breathtaking around there! Because it is so far up the mountain, it actually DID take my breath away! I had some issues with my asthma while visiting.

    Your pictures make me want to take a trip! Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful world with us!!

  2. that's the winter wonderland they mention so often in songs... it actually exists... and a wonderful golden-brown dog lives there ;O)

  3. You always make winter look so beautiful and fun. I wish I could feel that way about it.

  4. We have to agree with the comment before us - you make winter a lot more appealing. Beautiful!!!

  5. The aspen trees, truly gorgeous. And that blue sky, what they call " Winter Wonderland". Will you get that huge snow that is forecast coming from the west?

  6. Another gorgeous day in the Centennial State. Thanks so much for sharing the beauty of the high country to us 'flatlanders' in the city. 😉 'Tis a privilege to live in this state!

  7. That BLUE. What a glorious day.

  8. I love your pictures. We can see everyone of Shyla' muscles. I know it is a hard land but it is beautiful

  9. Your sky is just amazing. We rarely see such a beautiful blue in the winter. Shyla sure looks like she is having fun.

  10. That is a beautiful winter wonderland, and honestly, Shyla makes it even more beautiful.

  11. You two are quite the team! Yes, it sure looks beautiful, from a distance!

  12. OMD, that is soooooo beautifuls!!!! All those photos are like postcards! Shyla, get in some zoomies for me, k? It's nothin' butts rain around here ~ yuck!
    Ruby ♥

  13. What a beautiful day to enjoy with your best friend! It can't get any better!!

  14. It looks like a magical paradise!

  15. We'd give anything for those gorgeous blue skies and all that snow!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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