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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Shyla takes flight!

While we were in the land of ridges, mesas, and spires, Shyla had to wear her boots a lot. Otherwise, the rocky world would have left her with sore paw pads.

The boots accentuated Shyla's gait. She was often airborne.

Or airborne with her mouth open!

It's just amazing how many photos I found in my library of her levitating.

She also really likes to kick her hind paws up in the air when she's wearing boots.

She generally doesn't like boots. She wears them only in the desert and when it's colder than -5°F here. However, you'd never guess that she hates them based on her goofy gait.

When she wore boots in the desert last spring, she was still adapting to her anti-seizure drug (phenobarbital) - a process that stole her spunk and hard-won confidence. This time, she was much more at ease with the boots.

The only worry is that we just discovered that her blood levels of phenobarbital have fallen out of the ideal zone. We're trying to decide whether to increase her dose and go through the adaptation all over again (ugh) or wait to see if she has a seizure. I am wondering if her high level of spunk recently is because she has less phenobarbital in her blood. I hope not.

Ah, I wish that we didn't have these worries and decisions to make. Regardless of what happens, I'm very glad that she had this phase of being so joyful, spunky, and being able to fly!


  1. Hari OM it a bird, is it a plane..?! &*> YAM xx

  2. Those are some cool captures of a high flying Shyla.

  3. Thise magic boots look terrific Flying Shyla!

  4. in a couple of the pics the joy just lights up her face. the boots are so cute and I love her levitation skills

  5. Wow - you truly can fly, Shyla☺

  6. Love it when they get air! We hope no more seizures - ever!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  7. Next thing you know she will be skydiving:) We hope her levels go back to the good zone without any adjustments. We know too well how frustrating those "off" periods can be. No seizures allowed!!!

  8. Oh, gee, that is a conundrum :( Supers pics, though!

  9. At first we were worried that she ran away! Glad it's just her airborne antics!

  10. We love watching him fly. You can string together some pictures to make him look like he is flying. Prayers for no more seizures.

  11. Oh how these made us smile!!! paws crossed for no seizures!
    Hazel & Mabel

  12. I love these pictures of her exuberance. I'm sorry you have such hard decisions to make, sorry for Shyla too, of course. But she's still blessed to have such a loving, caring mom and dad to look after her.

  13. She is amazing the way she moves! Oh, these health issues are so tough. We know you'll make the right decision for her; and we just hope there are no more seizures.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  14. It is wonderful to watch her flying with her boots on! Sending POTP for a S-free solution!

  15. Flying through the air with the greatest of ease.... <3 <3 <3

  16. Full of fun and happiness, even with boots. I hope the new Shyla stays.

  17. She does love to fly! Hopefully she will stay "good" even with the levels she has right now.

  18. Those are some wonderful moves that Shyla made. Paws crossed here for good levels to return.


  19. Is she on CBD oil with the Pb? Elsa is and I upped her daily dosage of CBD. So far her levels have stayed perfect and [knock on wood] she hasn't seized since May.


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