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Sunday, January 7, 2018

Sunday Reflection

I love looking at the world through the reflection in Shyla's eyes.

She looks forward into our hills and forests with clear eyes.
I'm usually in the reflection too (you can see my bike helmet). It's almost looking at myself through someone else's eyes.

I have decided to participate in the 52 week Dogwood Photography Challenge. This week's challenge was "Look Ahead". I'm going to use the first one as my challenge photo because I like how her fur around her eye looked softer in it. You can see me and our mountain world in the reflection as Shyla looked ahead. I hope that our pack can share many adventures in our mountain world in the coming year!


  1. your world is always beautiful not matter how we view through your lens and it is still beautiful through Shyla's lens also.

  2. Beautiful eyes and reflections!

  3. Gorgeous! Like looking into the sun.

    Wishing you a happy, healthy 2018!

  4. And for today the "Eyes" have the prize. Beautiful.

  5. Such cool pictures. I love how we can see you in the reflection.

  6. Those are great pictures. We were looking at the clouds and trees.

  7. She has the most amazingly beautiful golden eyes!!!!

  8. For sure you have excellent and gorgeous subjects for this challenge....
    Shyla's eyes are beautiful
    Hugs madi and mom

  9. What beautiful shots! You are going to do great at this challenge, and we look forward to seeing more.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  10. That is amazing to see the reflection in her eyes!
    Hazel & Mabel

  11. Incredible!!! Gorgeous eyes and amazing photography.

  12. Oh just look at the beauty of your world reflected in Shylas beautiful eyes!

  13. Such amazing reflections. I'd most likely end up with a tongue slobber streak on the camera lens. 😁


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