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Sunday, January 6, 2019

Black Dog Sunday

I want to keep honoring our Black Dog even in the midst of puppy fever. A big part of why we chose to get a puppy now is that we wanted to do it while R could still see. We thought that it would be much more fun for R now rather than later.

We've succeeded on that count. R can still see passably well. He can run off-leash and see his little brother.

The Runner and R are loving running together, just as they have for the past decade. R's elbow is doing super well, rarely causing him pain. His vision in his remaining eye allows him to be off-leash during runs. The prognosis hasn't changed but we are relieved that his right eye is working well now.

He and his sister actually seem to like Hachi. They are such a good-hearted Labraduo that I'm not surprised. The part that does surprise me is that Shyla is usually more interested in playing with Hachi than R is. That may change though... R is enjoying Hachi more and more every day.

At age 11 years, I am astounded that R has finally learned the self control to do the "balance a treat on your nose" trick! He used to always flip the treat in the air as soon as I let go of it. In the past month, he's been balancing it until I cue him to flip it in the air.
I've had a few people ask me if R is okay, in light of the fact that we adopted Hachi. Just in case you are wondering that same thing, he is okay. In fact, he's more than okay - he's thriving! And, he's helping raise Hachi -  a gift for which we will be grateful forever. The link among our dog generations is strong.

Happy Black Dog Sunday!


  1. YAY for R and the new catch... I am so glad they all love each other.. your duo is so beautiful, side by side.

  2. Hari OM
    Venerable is the term I would apply to R now! YAM xx

  3. We absolutely adore you, R♥

  4. Beautiful Facial Expressions - Pure Happiness - And That Treat With The Upper Lip Fold, Brilliant


  5. You are super special R and we always love seeing you having fun!

  6. It is so wonderful to see that R is still thriving and doing so well. Getting a puppy is one of the best things you can do for older dogs, I think. Luke really gave our girls a new lease on life when we adopted him. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  7. Sweet! The pack is alive and well and showing the little one the ropes.

  8. Oh black beauty you! I just loved reading about how you and Shyla are thriving and teaching Hachi Shyla's job is to teach him manners like elbows off the table etc, yours to teach him to be a boy like getting muddy and burping. LOL LOL
    WTG balancing the treat!!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. wonderful news about Hachi just slotting into the pack....and R's new lease on life.

  10. R is looking great, and that was a very good reason to get Hachi now rather than later. Maybe R has been a little more reserved because his vision is limited to one side. He may be taken by surprise if Hachi comes from his left. Just a thought. That's another way for that bell to come in handy.

  11. It's good to hear that R is doing so well. Hachi is lucky to have R to show him the ropes.

  12. You can't keep a good R down. He is a marvel and I am sure he is an excellent big brother

  13. Way yo go R for balancing the treat on your nose! I bet you will setting a good example for your little brother! I bet you will set lots of good examples,, and your confidence will help him grow too.,!

  14. Awe, I am glad R is doing so well. I have always loved his spirit and it sounds like it is going strong and flying high! Ruby is very impressed with his concentration (and will power) balancing that treat on his nose.

  15. Good boy R! such a good brother to both Shyla and Hachi!
    Hazel & Mabel


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