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Friday, December 6, 2019

Feline and Nature Friday - The Saga of a Bobcat Family

The bobcat family visited a favorite scent post all together on 9/27. The bigger kitten and mom played crazily. The Little Kitten seemed left out. In this photo, mom and the bigger kitten were playing in the foreground while the Little Kitten was under the downed tree on the left of the image.
They all departed together but my heart was preparing for what I thought was going to happen.

A couple of weeks later (10/9), one kitten was at the scent post alone for close to 6 minutes. It is very hard to tell if it's the Little Kitten but that was my guess. If you think otherwise after watching the video, please let me know!

The kitten rolled around for a while, and then he suddenly sat up. He remained in that position like a statue for about two whole minutes.
Then he departed.

I am sad to have to tell you that, on Oct 19, the bobcat family included only one kitten - the big kitten. My heart broke when I saw that the Little Kitten was gone, even though the writing was on the wall from Day One, when we saw that the Little Kitten had no eye shine in one eye. You see, a predator like a bobcat cannot catch prey without depth perception. I hoped for the best but it didn't happen.

RIP Little Kitten. I am glad that you got to live wild and free, if only for a short time.

The video includes footage only until 10/9 - when the lone kitten was at the scent post. I'll share the footage from the mom and the surviving kitten in another video.

I am linking to Feline Friday and Nature Friday.


  1. the first thought is: I want such a kitten..YES!!! I WANT ONE... but because we are real friends of animals we enjoy it via your blog and love to see it in its natural habitat, that's better ;O)

  2. this is heartbreaking and my eyes are full of tears. so sorry, even though we knew this would happen, it is very sad... poor sweet baby

  3. Oh no....I'm so sorry about the precious little one. I agree I'm thankful he was able to live wild and free even for a short time. RIP little one
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. That is so sad, it's nature and I realize that, but it's so difficult to think the mom abandoned the kitten. RIP little one.

  5. We feel so sad for Little Kitten.

  6. We are all very sad the little kitten didn't make it, sad, sad, sad.

  7. I guess we have to accept that the Little Kitten has gone, hoping for the best and fearing the outcome.He is a darling, and so happy there playing by himself.

  8. So sad. Though the cards were on the table--still sad. Nature is cruel.

  9. Aw, so precious. You should link this post to Feline Friday. You've got the big feline there.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  10. Nature can be so sad at times. But such things do happen. And probably more often than we think.

  11. I don't know. It makes sense, but I guess I just never give up until I see bones.

  12. That is so sad! We watch the family of deer in our yard very closely. For a while it seemed one of the younger deer were not with Mama and the other, but now it is the three again! We were so relieved, and we understand your sadness.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pet

  13. We're sorry to hear the little kitten probably hasn't made it. The positive note is that with the "circle of life" the kitten has likely provided for another of your varied wild life.

  14. We know it is the way of nature, but we are so sad for Little Kitten:(

  15. That is sad, but nature often is. I am sure the kitty is running free in the jungle section of the Bridge

  16. Heartbreaking. I've loved following your bobcat family saga and was really pulling for the little kitten.

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  18. Another great (albeit, sad) post.

  19. SO fun to watch them.
    It is sad to consider that there is very little room for birth defects and injuries in nature.

  20. Well bummer. Mother Nature sure can break our hearts sometimes. RIP little fella.


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