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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Thankful Thursday

The glory of the mountains in the summer.
Being able to relax atop Hug Hill without getting cold is a gift. Having flowers blooming on this windy peak makes me smile. And, sharing it with Shyla makes it all so much better.

I am thankful, and I think that Shyla is too.


  1. It wasn't that long ago that Hug Hill was snow-covered, was it?! Enjoy the flowers - and that beautiful Shyla.

    Chris from Boise

    1. Just about a month ago! Summer comes fast here :)

  2. Oh, snow sounds SO good! Butts, I gets you guys are probably sick of it already! BOL! Shyla, you are just the queen of the mountain my furiend! You are just too adorables!
    Ruby ♥

  3. Shyla looks like she is hugging Hug Hill - gorgeous :)

  4. What a beautiful capture, KB!

  5. I think chalamet be posing and saying she's thankful that mommy has a camera and that she gets shown to the whole wide world and her beauty

  6. Such a beautiful girl and a fantastic photo! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  7. We love the way Shyla is bowing on the rock. It's almost like she is praying to the God of Nature and is just as thankful to be there too.

  8. I grew up by water, but I've found I love mountains. So your posts of life twice as high up as where I live (and where I definitely would not be able to breathe) are such treats.

  9. What a fun photo! Shyla is so pretty and the backdrop is stunning.

  10. Shyla...that is a mighty pretty backdrop but dear are the sweetest cherry on top of the mountain in my opinion
    Hugs cecilia

  11. I imagine high on a hill is a perfect place to be when the summer weather gets hot. Even better to be with your best friend.♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  12. Beautiful. I know Shyla is happy too.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  13. Shyla is soooo photogenic! What a lovely image of a lovely place.

  14. What a beautiful place, we are happy it is warming up for you and Shyla :-)

  15. I guess hug hill is warm enough for a few days a year at least.


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