The beauty just outside my door astounds me.

The aspen trees are having an end-of-summer celebration that colors our world gold.

I'm soaking up days like today with warm sun filtering through a yellow canopy.

This morning, K and I rolled out together, thankful for another autumn day on the trails. Another bout of winter is due to roll over us tomorrow so I'm savoring these relaxed and warm days. The specter of winter hovered over the mountains in the form of a curtain of clouds. But, gold patches, aspen groves in full cry, adorned the distant forests on the mountain flanks.

K and I stopped at a unique viewpoint, atop a jumble of boulders. She posed her sleek body, with an impossibly narrow waist (for a Labrador), in a precarious spot.

Then, she squinted in the sun as she looked at me.

Shortly later, we started toward home, and a rainbow appeared over the Divide. Rainbows seem like Nature's magic trick, creating a
kaleidoscope of color floating in mid-air. I imagine my departed dogs waiting for me at the other end of the rainbow.

After I dropped K off at home, I rode solo to a favorite ridge. Suddenly, as I cruised along, a fierce wind hit me from the side, almost blowing me off the trail. The
chinook wind, still blowing now, will blow the mountain's veil over us by tomorrow.

No matter what view I gazed upon, the clouds loomed but the beauty overwhelmed me. The yellow leaves in the photo below hung on willow branches. The willows have joined the aspens in the end-of-summer celebration.

During a recent ride, I found an almost complete cow elk skeleton. The skull and jawbone lay scattered near the main part of the body. Most of the main bones are still articulated although predators have eaten every morsel of meat from the skeleton.

Because it's rare to find both the skull and mandible from one animal, I decided to bring them home so that I could study the details. On one ride, I carried the jawbone lashed outside my pack.

On my next ride, I carried the skull home with me.

I put the two parts together on my deck.

Understandably, R freaked out when he saw the huge ferocious looking head on our deck. He first barked while backing away. After regrouping, he sneaked forward to sniff it before scurrying backward again. Finally, he decided that, although it was spooky, the skull wasn't going to hurt him. By contrast, the easily flustered K has become accustomed to weird objects, like skulls, suddenly appearing in her world. She ignored it.

I plan to look closely at the skull and jawbone details, using my mammal book as a guide. I may blog more about its design in coming days.
At the end of today's ride, with a skull lashed to my back, I noticed a harebell wildflower still blossoming despite the freezes and snowfall over recent weeks. These papery thin flowers prove, over and over, that they are among the toughest flowers in our forest. They fight their way through harsh conditions to keep shining until they finally get pollinated and can reproduce.
It's rare to get a wildflower photo with yellow aspens in the background but it's appropriate that it's a tough and beautiful harebell!

Seeing the tenacity of nature leads me to ask questions about my own life. While a flower's life goal is obvious, a person's is not as obvious. What are we meant to do with our precious years on this Earth? Are we obligated to use the unique gifts that we're given or can we follow our whims toward happiness? For me, these are deeply personal questions, as I ponder my future. I've walked away from a calling that was based on a natural intellectual gift. Now, I'm searching for what's next. Immersed in the mountains, thoughts about the 'purpose of life' drift and curl through my mind triggered by nature's power, beauty, and tenacity.
The shot from K was to THANK YOU fur taking such good khare of her!
ReplyDeleteJust another fabulous post fur both pikhs and khontent!
PeeEssWoo: Mom says when woo find out what is next, please let her know!
Marge and K's body types are so similar. If only Marge's ears were longer and hung down, I'd be able to register her as an ILP with the AKC.
ReplyDeleteI hope the trees here turn those beautiful shades - it doesn't look like a promising year for color.
Oh, our skinny-skinny girl. I hope the new nutrition plan puts some of those pounds back soon.
ReplyDeleteAs far as our purpose, I'm not sure I know either, but the ONE thing that never feels out of place is love for that boy I married and the dogs. THAT was surely meant to be, but the rest? Don't know.
I'm just happy I can make a living doing something I love.
Chuckling - I loved K's squinting picture! What a great pose.
ReplyDeleteOnly us total nature lovers would carry a skull in our backpack.
My eyes became misty looking at the rainbow behind sweet K. I still grieve for the loss of my past dogs, and for yours. And then I sighed and smiled.
ReplyDeleteI think you are exactly where you should be right now...pondering your future on this vision quest. You'll find it, I'm sure.
What a find. Certainly worth two trips to bring both pieces down.
I think the skull on your camelbak looks totally bad-ass. You should've ridden around like that for a few days just for the looks you would've gotten from anyone you crossed paths with!
ReplyDeleteI think you're getting the same front we got last night/this morning. Temps 40 degrees lower than yesterday, snow down to 7K feet- yipes!
Funny Ive got one thats a skinny minny, healthy as a fox but just a tad underweight which seems to come up worse in photos.
ReplyDeleteThat was one of the bests posts Ive read today. How far removed is your beautiful scenery from my own coastal Aussie one. I loved seeing it through your eyes and photos... truly breathtaking..
We dont get elk carcass's but heaps of roo ones, tiny heads in comparrison
once again you blow me away with the beauty of your surroundings! (i would like to come back in life as one of your dogs...please)
ReplyDeleteK looks good, love those pics of her...
the skull, you are my kind a gal! love that you strapped it to your pack and re-assembled it at home! very cool.....
what was your "calling" that you walked away from? if you don't mind me asking...
You MUST send that picture to Ergon with the elk skull! Too funny. It fits quite nicely in there!!
ReplyDeleteGreat fall shots...I've been missing the leaves - they blew down too fast this year!
You've asked a very difficult questions there. I'm asking it of myself a lot lately too.