I love my weekend hikes with our whole pack together. We started early this morning, although the sun already beamed from high in the sky. We drove to a local trail that almost no one ever uses. However, parts of it are a favorite mountain bike ride of mine. We had a glorious hike with a sad ending. Don't worry - no one in our pack was hurt. Here's the story.
We set out across a meadow, with me jubilantly pointing out bobcat tracks that tread so lightly that they didn't crack the snow's crust.

Once we'd crossed the snowy meadow, we briefly followed a 4
wd road that mixed snow and mud patches. I found some almost perfect bobcat tracks from a cat moving at brisk walk. I know he hurried along because his hind paw overstepped his front paw. When a cat is hunting, moving slowly and silently, his hind paw falls directly into the track of the front paw. Also, notice that my 'scale' in the photo is a ruler rather than a chemical
handwarmer - a gift from someone who thought that I should be more 'scientific' in my track photography :)

Soon, we lost the bobcat tracks, not surprising, because they rarely walk through such a bobcat nirvana on a straight and open road. The area was pocked with boulder outcroppings, boulder jumbles, and even boulder mountains! Bobcats love winding among boulders, hunting and scent marking along the way.

As usual, I couldn't stay on a trail, and we started aiming toward our goal whilst staying far away from the main trail. My bipedal hiking partner lamented my naturally fast hiking pace - commenting that the only time that he's ever been able to keep up with me was when I was hauling my IV cart with me in the halls of the hospital. That commented elicited a chuckle from me!
We climbed skyward among the boulders. I spotted a zillion cat scent posts but knew that I'd bore everyone if I stopped to look at all of them so we hiked onward and upward. The boulder sculptures amazed me.

Just beyond that gap, we reached our first true viewpoint. We gazed down at the valley, then the small forested hills, and finally the Continental Divide from our perch.

After climbing another few hundred feet, we searched for another view. The boys took a different route than us girls so we lost track of them for an instant. Then, I spotted R through a narrow slot on the side of the cliff.

I knew that K would fit through the slot but, the tougher question was, would I? It turned out that I did, just barely. Since my surgery, I've overcompensated with reducing my caloric intake (to match my reduced exercise) so I fit now but I wouldn't have in December!
Once we reached the boys, we'd found 'the ultimate spot' to relax before turning toward home. Both dogs contemplated the short route back to the car - straight
down the cliff. Notice that both precious canines were leashed next to the precipitous cliff.

I talked them back from the edge... and they both looked in my general direction at the same instant! It took only about 10 photos to capture this occasion.

Then, K gazed while I stroked her fur, warmed by the spring sun.

R imitated his sister, showing off his profile against the snowy mountains. His jet black fur, with his first three white hairs on his forehead, radiated heat stored from the sun.

After a rest, we descended in the now hot sun, sliding down the mushy snow. When we hit the 4
wd road, K suddenly alerted on a mound in the snow. Her body language vibrated with tension so I called her and leashed her.
To our utter sorrow, a bobcat had died next to the 4
wd road.

We could find no obvious cause of death. No blood, no joints bent at crazy angles, no hint whatsoever. It appeared that he'd bounded off the 4
wd road, landed in deep snow, and died in his tracks. A truck had churned through the snow while we hiked, and we wondered if the truck had accidentally hit the bobcat during our hike, inflicting internal injuries that killed him almost instantly.
Based on his size, I suspect that the bobcat was a male (apparently it's difficult even for 'experts' to sex a bobcat). Moreover, he'd had plenty of cat fights in his life. One of his ears had numerous old and healed bite injuries. For some reason that we can't fathom, all of his facial whiskers were broken off about a centimeter from the base. Does anyone know why that might have happened? If anyone wants to see more photos of him than I have shown, click
We felt bereft. One of our predators, so essential to the health and spirit of our world and my soul, had died. As I looked back at him, I wondered if he'd mated and his offspring would be born in the spring. I hope so, for his sake, and for mine.
I believe that he's the bobcat who we tracked early in our hike this morning, his elegant paws treading softly atop the snow.

What great pics albeit bittersweet -
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing him and for giving him a tribute worthy of his time 'here'
What a beautiful hike you all had today - you managed to get some awesome pics of the pups - just beautiful. So sad to see the bobcat.
ReplyDeleteYay, for technology! (the ruler) BOL You left us the most insightful comment yesterday about Frankie. You nailed her. She is a whiner and she does get M to pick her up at least ten times a day.
No!! Bobcat!! Had you crossed that part of the 4wd road on your way in/so you know he had died during your hike? Your hike looked so wonderful, I'm sorry it had a sad ending. I too hope that his offspring will be treading through your forests soon.
ReplyDeleteThose are stunningly beautiful pictures of K and R! I had to snicker over the walking speed comment! It's the same story here.
ReplyDeleteThat's really a shame about the bobcat. I have no idea why the whiskers would all be broken. Is it possible he was ill in some way and the whiskers broke off because of that? I don't get the impression that your weather has been particularly cold lately, so that seems an unlikely cause. Is there a chance that he suffered a fall that could have caused internal injuries that killed him?
I am so saddened by this :(
ReplyDeleteKB - I've been following your blog for awhile now and just had to comment on your wonderful photos. Of course you have amazing scenery, but you also have quite a talent for getting great pics. Sorry about the sad end to your hike.
ReplyDeleteSuch a beautiful hike and it sounds like you are a hiking force to be reckoned with. I'm sorry about the bobcat. I have such a hard time with running across dead animals, especially when it appears they've been hit by a vehicle. Makes me think of nature and civilization colliding and nature always ends the loser. People think I'm a bit nutty to get so upset but I bet you understand.
ReplyDeleteBobcat whiskers: I read this and have never heard it before, it relates to domestic cats, but who knows?
Glad you had a good full pack hike today, but sad that it ended with the demise of the bobcat.
Cheers and hugs,
Stella and Jo
Well, look, my little info thing didn't appear. What it said was that mother cats could chew off the whiskers (maybe a girlfriend?)
ReplyDeleteor they get stressed and lose them or they have brittle whiskers like the Rex!
Just a little domestic cat stuff but it might relate.
wow, so sad (but great pics)...he looks like he's been dead for a bit, his eyes sunken...was he in rigor? don't know anything about whiskers....and he doesn't look emaciated or thin, and to just drop and die, maybe he had an arrhythmia....did you guys move him off to a more peaceful resting place? how did the dogs react to him?
ReplyDeletethe other pics are beautiful as always, and i love the comment about keeping up with you on the hike!!
peaceful sunday to you....
Oh how sad... especially if he was the very same cat whose tracks you saw floating so beautifully over the crusted snow. Gorgeous pix of K and R - obviously they have not a single fear of heights! Can't believe you fit into that slot - tiny! But rewards so gorgeous. Thank you again so so much for sharing your incredible hikes and finds - going off-trail is obviously where you find all the fascinating true life wild animal scenes - and where, most of the rest of us won't ever venture. Thank you for giving us your lens each day!
ReplyDeleteHugs xooxoxoxo
And yes, I tried to argue for Sammie being in that simulation - others had wanted to bring their pups too, but not for this particular one. But we opened the door a bit for them to think about it for the next one - yay.
A sad ending to your beautiful hike, KB. That is 2 of your local predators gone in a short time. I wonder what will happen to its body? Rainy and cold here in Denver today.
ReplyDeleteWhat a sad end to your day. I'm so sorry. RIP bobcat boy.
ReplyDeleteHey there KB!
ReplyDeleteIm late again in getting to your posts and am so sad to hear about this death. Despite the sadness, it's quit amazing to see those beautiful paws!
Im really sorry for your loss!
Luv C
What a sad find. I bet it took your breath away when you caught glimpse of him. It did mine, when I first saw the photo...