As for osteosarcoma (OSA), it's still on the list. But, at Shyla's age, the odds of it occurring are low enough that the vets would prefer to do other tests before doing a bone biopsy, primarily because the biopsy might weaken the bone. And, we all hope that Shyla will need a strong ulna for a long time. Moreover, if it is OSA, it isn't a battle that we're likely to win... so waiting a couple of weeks to diagnose it while we test for other things isn't a big deal.
It was a long day, as it always is when we go all the way to the experts at CSU. We left our house in the early morning and just recently arrived home. In some ways, it was a heart-wrenching day for me. They put us in the exam room where K was often seen, and I remembered the grief that I felt over the bad news that seemed to slam us during every single one of K's appointments. It felt surreal to be there with a new dog, a young Shyla.
On the heartwarming side, Shyla was jaw-droppingly comfortable with the veterinary staff. She did her "relax" command beautifully, as a resident examined her and four vet students stood over her to watch the exam. I was about to object to the set-up, thinking that it would be scary for Shyla to have so many people peering at her as she lay on her back, but then I saw the relaxed look on her face and I kept my mouth shut. Our girl is changing at warp speed.

After the initial exam, Shyla was taken to "the back" (for hours - I'm not exaggerating - all while I waited in the exam room), and I'm told that she won many friends with her sweet and sensitive personality. Finally, I almost fell over in amazement when she met a 2-year-old boy in the waiting room after her appointment. She chose to say "hi" to him on her own initiative (with his mother's permission), and she even gave him kisses!
I was so proud of Shyla today. She has such courage and sweetness in her heart. I feel lucky to have her by my side and to have the honor of teaching her all about our world.
I promise to keep you posted as we find out the test results. I really hoped that we'd have definitive news today - for the sake of our hearts - but the vets felt strongly that it was not in Shyla's best interest to do a bone biopsy today.
It must have been a very long and hard day for you. It sounds like Shyla was a shining star at CSU. You must have been relieved about her lung and chest x-rays being clear though. Hopefully there will be some positive news to come. Unwind, get yourself a nice cup of tea and curl up with your girl. :)
ReplyDeleteI do love the first picture of her, with snow on her nose...she looks so coy.
ReplyDeleteI'm hoping this is just a "scare" and nothing serious. Fingers crossed for you and for Shyla.
You know what we are wishing for- along with you.
ReplyDeleteYou know we care so much- yes we do.
I've been checking for your update -
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing it -
Even if you don't know for sure what it all means yet -
Paws khrossed here!
I can't imagine how long today was for you. Hugs and paws crossed! I'd be absolutely floored if Shyla has OSA. I really feel like that's not what's wrong
That is a good place to start it sounds like. Nothing too invasive for Shyla. And indeed she was wonderful for everyone. As hard as it is, try to stay positive and strong. We know you are loving your girl up tonight extra hard and rightfully so. We are still here praying our hardest for Shyla and your family.
Lily Belle & the gang
That no news is good news saying is probably not terribly reassuring to you now, but I do hope that nothing serious is going to come of this. I know how heavy the burden is that you are carrying - wish there were some way I could take it away. Hang in there, and let's hope for the best.
ReplyDeleteI've been thinking of you. It's hard to imagine you're on this path again. I'm glad Shyla, at least, has no worries as she just lives in happiness in the moment.
ReplyDeleteKeeping paws and fingers crossed. So glad Shyla did so well during her day at the vet.
ReplyDeleteCindy & Millie
Oh no, I am just getting caught up ... I am sending all my supportive vibes and healing wishes for Shyla and for you too! Hope you get some news soon!
ReplyDeleteThinking of you!
Your pal, Pip
That is a very long day Miss KB. MOM and I thought about you and Shyla throughout our day. We are so hopeful for her. And what a smile it brought to here that she gave kisses to the little boy. I love to kiss my friend Luke. You will continue to hold you in our prayers.
Thanks for taking the time to update us, as I had Shyla in my thoughts all day. Her behavior today had everything to do with your hard work and patience! I had my own worries, too - after work, I had to take my oldest dog Josey in to have a lump on her neck looked at; the vet will remove it next Friday, and we'll go from there :(
ReplyDeleteI've been thinking about you today, and I'm glad that the vets are looking into other things before doing the biopsy. I hope that you get answers soon, though. I think being in limbo is one of the worst feelings ever. At least when you know, you can come up with a plan of attack. Here's hoping that you'll get good news this time, and soon!
ReplyDeleteI can only imagine how hard this is for you. That your girl is taking it all so beautifully is thanks to you and your training skills.
ReplyDeleteMy wishes are prayers are that she is able to recover completely from whatever this is. I'm not having it any other way!
Cheers and hugs,
We thought about you during the day also. We're SO proud of your girl - Ms. Calm! Thanks for the update. Were with you for the duration.
ReplyDeleteWe've been thinking about you guys today and relieved to see your post. I know it's hard not having a definite diagnosis, but these vets are obviously thinking about Shyla and doing what they feel is best for her. Prayers continuing!
ReplyDeleteOh she is a beautiful girl. And there is strength in those eyes.
Bert and My Vickie
We continue to think positive thoughts
ReplyDeleteBenny & Lily
How heart-warming to envision Shyla greeting a child. And coping well with all those strange places and new people. I can't imagine what the experience would have been like for her had she not had such wonderful training and confidence building with you and your wonderful trainer. Pat yourself on the definitely made this exhausting day bearable for sweet Shyla.
ReplyDeletePaws and fingers still crossed here for the best possible outcome.
Re-visiting CSU after being there with K would be heartbreaking, but I knew Shyla would be the Perfect Little Lady, and do all she was aked to so well. And greeting a little child, well done, Take care, you and Runner, try to relax tonight, ,light the fire, and know we are all here with you every day. Fond greetings, Jean.p.s. sent an email.
ReplyDeleteAnn..from.....Outer Banks of NC..said.....Sweet Girl-Shyla...I know you are so proud of her..she has such a wonderful teacher and the love all of you are sharing is such a blessing....only good vibes coming from this end ....I have only positive thoughts.......I know all of you have had a long day....cuddle and enjoy your evening....Its such a beautiful world....those pictures of Shyla make me smile ...Hugs
ReplyDeleteKB - I feel strongly that you need to pay close attention to your little girl. With everything that you have told us about the way she behaved today and for me - it really hit when I looked into her eyes in that last picture of Shyla you posted today: she is telling you maybe even wanting you to relax - don't worry so much. Of course all that is easy for me to say but just the things you told us about how she acted with all those eyes staring at her and then how she acted with the little child - she is calm and the look in her eyes say that she wants you to be calm too - she is at peace with her world and she wants you to feel that peace. Our dogs are amazing animals - they can take so much, even when young like Shyla. I like the vets at CSU - taking the road to that which is less invasive and taking into consideration Shyla's age - taking each situation case by case, dog by dog. I pray these next few days will go by fast for you and Shyla. Let her take the lead in your walk thru this most difficult time. Sending prayers and strong healing vibes to all of you.
We simply cannot imagine your flipbook of emotions today as you went through Shyla's appointment. We only hope that looking at your precious girl and seeing the calm and confidence that you have drawn out of her gives you courage and faith. Feel our paws and arms around your family in comfort, in support, in hopefulness, in love.
ReplyDeleteWe are thinking of you today KB and sending healing vibes. Waiting is sometimes so very long. Know that we are all here praying for you and your girl! xoxo Jeanne, Chloe and LadyBug
ReplyDeleteWhat an exhausting day for both of you. Our paws remain crossed!
ReplyDeleteLove ya lots,
Mitch and Molly
We are still saying prayers. I've been in your shoes. I'm sending you hugs and we are all keeping paws crossed.
glad you are able to see the good in each day still even tho it is a scary time. try to think positive thoughts, i truly beleive in them!!!
ReplyDeleteand i will keep everything crossed for good measure.
Charlene and Stormy
Oh KB - I'm so sorry I missed all these posts about Shyla - I dropped out for a few days of "no electronics" - and my heart is breaking for all of you as I read these words. Please know that I care deeply about you and what you all are going thru. The say that God gives us what we can handle - but in this case, you have to wonder. But God (and K) did pick you to be Shyla's guardian thru this. And if I had to pick someone to guide me thru this - I'd pick YOU :)
ReplyDeletexxoo - Diane and Indy Bones
I, like many others, appreciate your update since you and Shyla were in my thoughts throughout the day. We continue to hope for the best.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry you had to go through that. But God bless you for finding the positive in it with Shyla's sparkling, emerging personality! I'm sure for her it was just a pretty cool day where she got lots of attention!
ReplyDeleteHang in there - still praying for a positive outcome in all of this. Cyber hugs.
I was so worried it would not be good news today, so I'm trying to take this as a breather. Time to not worry and just enjoy. I, too, am so excited by Shyla's social progress!
ReplyDeleteAll paws crossed for GOOD NEWS!
ReplyDeleteCSU's approach is very sensible! I think those fungal panels usually take a few days. So happy that Shyla took her day at the clinic in stride--thanks to your patient, positive approach and hard work! We're continuing to send lots of positive thoughts for a simple and treatable diagnosis. Hugs to you.
ReplyDeleteSusan and Wrigs
OMD - we have been away for a bit. Our dad had open heart surgery, the hard drive was toasted, etc SO my assistant and I are trying to get caught up.We are SO sorry to hear what is happening now. We are keeping good & positive thoughts for you all and Shyla. What a beautiful girl and so lucky to be with you. Also everyone else has said it all so well. All we can say is "ditto". :-)Take care
ReplyDeleteErnie,Sasha,Chica,Lucas, & M
PeeEss: We love all the pics you share with us of your Shyla,R and the beautiful scenery, and the animals you see on your trail cameras. Wonderful. Thanks again!
ReplyDeleteMom Barb
We hope your pup is ok! We lost our Lad a year ago, to cancer. He was only 7 years old. Its heartbreaking when a dog is sick, and they can't tell you what's wrong.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it wonderful that you learned some new things about your little girl while at the vet. Sometimes good things do come from painful times.
ReplyDeleteWe have our paws crossed that everything will be fine!
Stella rose and family
Hi! Hope for the best. Shyla is young and no doubt shes a fighter. Lovely pictures of her.
ReplyDeleteIt went well on the hunting trial so now iw Tyra Nordic Hunting Champion that means shes a hunting champion i Sweden, Finland and Norway the last country she had to win a first price, Im so proud of her
You astound me with your spirit and strength, KB. You and Shyla are surrounded with love and HOPE
ReplyDeleteSo sorry we've been out of the loop about this awful news. Can't believe such a similar situation has presented itself in you g Shyla - you MUST have had a very long and trying day. Shyla sounds like an amazing patient - the pix of her are beautiful. We have crossed paws and fingers and send to s of golden energies...
ReplyDeleteHugs xxxxx
Sammie, Avalon and Mom