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Friday, March 27, 2015

Sunrise and Sunset

I love days when I'm out for both sunrise and sunset. One morning recently, Shyla and I enjoyed the beauty of the deep red sunlight early in the morning.
And then, in the evening, we were out when the clouds turned purple at sunset.
It was my favorite kind of day!


  1. Such wonderful photos of the sweet Shyla!

  2. What beautiful ways to start and end the day with such a gorgeous pup! Hope you are doing better.

  3. you take such beautiful pictures.
    stella rose and momma

  4. Gosh we just love the sunset silouettes
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  5. Glorious sunset, Shyla the perfect companion to the hazy purple sky.

  6. Wowza! I love sunrises and sunsets - mine look much different than yours though, as here I see both through trees :)
    I wonder if I will ever see that big wide-open Colorado sky again!

  7. Mine too, how beautiful!

    Anne and Sasha

  8. Definitely the best times of the day, aye?? Mum tries to catch EVERY sunrise. She tries for the sunset too but often misses out on them. Both in one day is ALWAYS special.

  9. I think I like sunsets the best.

    Aroo to you,

  10. Oh that would be the most perfect moment!

  11. What a gorgeous day you had, Shyla!

  12. Isn't that great that the sun comes with such a wonderful glowing and when the sun goes to bed you get the most beautiful purple background ever? Pawesome!
    easy rider

  13. All of your photos are incredible, but that second photo of Shyla is a stunner.

  14. The purple sunset is beautiful. We are seeing more beautiful sunrises and sunsets here too now that the weather is gradually improving.

  15. I just caught up with my KB reading (as far down as March 14) I don't know why I've been so slack. Busy with one thing or another. If I don't read, I think about you, so I'm better off to read!

    Sending you some e-mail too.

    Cheers and hugs all around,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat


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