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Sunday, July 26, 2015

Silhouette Sunday

After one of our routine afternoon thunderstorms, the eastern sky was purple at sunset.
Although I don't love the storms, I do love the sky after them!


  1. We don't often have those colors here - really, really pretty!

  2. Colours I could use in a quilt. Windy here in Wgn, not much sky to be seem from our motel room, but hope to get some views from round the city this week.

  3. The sky there is just gorgeous! We had a storm here yesterday and the girls weren't impressed. LOL

  4. Great photo.

    Aroo to you,

  5. I love the sky during and after a thunderstorm and I love the storm itself. Assuming I am safe and sound inside.

  6. How beautiful! I love your world!

  7. Update, surgery all over, went well as far as we know, Hugh finally back in the ward, 6.35.p.m. as he was wheeled off to theatre at 11.45 a.m. So relieved, I know your love and care was with me all day. Hugs to you all for this week.

  8. The colors are just so magnificent!

  9. that's a beautiful background for a beauiful pup... imagine a dress in that pruple color... wow!
    easy rider

  10. First, I am SO happy to read that R is doing well. With limited internet access, I've been hoping for good news and just caught up on things. Hooray!!

    Thunderstorms are something I actually miss. Here on the east coast island, they are extremely rare, unlike where we lived previously.

  11. Purple is our mom's favorite color. She loved your sunset picture.

  12. Purple is my favorite color so I absolutely adore this! Stunning!

  13. Wow, beautiful. And what a relationship you have with your girl.


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