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Thursday, March 30, 2017

Thankful Thursday - Shyla is Back!

I saw glimpses of Shyla's usual sparkle in her eyes early in the week. At that time, I had no idea how rapidly she would return to about 95% of her usual self. Now, she's been seeking affection almost all the time, and plays like her usual self. She brings me toys and insists on games of tug (even when I'm talking on the phone!). She is definitely back!!!!
Shyla is also back as my mountain biking partner. She's still much faster than I am. I can tell how happy she is to be back by my side. I am over the moon with happiness.

We rode out into 6" of very wet snow this morning. It was stuck to aspen branches, forming lattices above us.

It was tougher to find snow still stuck to aspen branches in the sunshine. The snow fell off within minutes of the sun hitting it. But I found one beauty!

After gazing at the beautiful snow art, I turned my full attention to how happy I was to have Shyla with me again. It reiterated the lesson that I should never take anything for granted.

We did a small loop, and it was clear that Shyla wanted to run further! Yipee! We headed up higher. Shyla was out in front wondering why I was stopping for photos yet again!

Clouds moved in near the end of our ride, making the western horizon look ominous. But Shyla was still happy!

I am so thankful that Shyla is feeling better again. It felt like she was "absent" for a couple of weeks. Being able to go out and enjoy nature with her made me even more thankful.
Thank you to our friend Brian for hosting the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


  1. Oh my, we are so happy, that is just the best news!!!

  2. wildly clapping, so happy to read this

  3. that is so great Shyla... you are back to welcome spring... with springing around through your fabulous mountains :o)

  4. Hari oM
    AAAAARRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! We are so very happy☺

  6. I am so glad Shyla is "herself" and that you held on and were patient despite your totally valid worries. I know it was very hard on you! I'm sharing (long-distance) in the spirit of celebration and gratitude, and here's to a GRAND DAY :)

  7. YAAAAAY!!!!!! This is such grreat news. We were hoping she'd be back to her old self soon.

  8. this makes us soo happy! and the pictures are wonderful
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  9. We're so happy to hear that Shyla has found her way back to you. That is fantastic news.

  10. OMD it's great to see her running, having a good time.
    Welcome back Shyla we missed you.
    xo Astro

  11. Hey, thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop, that is something special to be thankful for.

  12. So very glad to hear the good news!!

  13. Much needed snow, beautiful blue sky, and best of all....Shyla back and happy! What an awesome day!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  14. Thankful is not quite enough to say How happy and delighted I am to know Shyla has come back from wherever she was in her mind.If only they could talk, but eyes, tail and expressions say so much. How thankful can we both be for this week's happenings. Hugs.XXX Beautiful final 2 photos, a girl bounding with happiness and joy, and the snow fall that will give moisture.

  15. Wonderful news!!! We are so happy to be following your blog too!!!!!! DakotasDen

  16. That's brilliant! So happy to see this today :)
    Love the expression on her face, she looks quite determined to make up for lost time.

  17. Yay! I'm glad she's feeling better! Those photos are gorgeous!

  18. So much to be thankful for!!!! We are thinking that now you can say it was worth the wait:)

    1. It will always be worth the wait if it keeps the monster away! So far, so good.

  19. That is the best news we've heard yet! Yay Shyla!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  20. She looks great and the snow is beautiful.

  21. Woohoo! from Chris from Boise (on husband's computer)

  22. BEST news we've heard in a long time!!!!!!!!!!

  23. YAY for Shyla☺ Loved the pictures! Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend☺❤

  24. Dear Shyla,

    We can see that you are a serious runner in the snow. Excellent, a Dog after our own hearts! Happy running!



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