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Saturday, November 20, 2021

Shyla Saturday

My best friend... Her face is getting grayer but our bond is getting deeper.

As Shyla has gotten older, we have become more in sync with each other. She can read my mind and I can read hers. Just like with all the dogs before her, the depth of our bond makes me want her to live forever.

 I love my Shyla.


  1. Hari Om
    and because you share her so generously, we too love your Shyla! YAM xx

  2. We love your beautiful Shyla too, KB.

  3. KB and Shyla absolutely a beautiful post and silhouette with the beautiful rocks in the back ground
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. So precious and sweet! I love that silhouetted pic. Amazingly beautiful.

  5. I don't normally use the word...
    but these pictures and your thoughts are simply Precious. xo

  6. I love your Shyla too... and her eyes are so gorgeous in that first photo.. kisses sweet Shyla

  7. And she obviously loves you, too. She sure is a special girl.

  8. Such a sweetie, we all love your Shyla too!

  9. I wish she could live forever for you. ♥

  10. We All Adore Shyla - Go Team Human


  11. What a sweet photo of the two of you.


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