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Monday, July 27, 2015

Mountain Lion Monday

A series of mountain lion sightings has made me think that we have a mother lion with small kittens living in a small area of our neck of the woods.

First, I captured a photo of a young lion, one who I think was just kicked out by his mother. I believe this youngster is the one who we followed throughout the fall and winter.

I think that this is the mother mountain lion, who has been showing up on my cameras all over the area.

Later the same morning...

A week later...

The next day...

The following early morning...

Midafternoon, recently...

I haven't checked my cams in a little while but I'm hoping that she's still around. If she is, I'll be feeling confident that she's raising a litter of kittens deep in a den in our neck of the woods.


  1. We hope you are right and we hope to get a glimpse of those little ones too:)

  2. What great captures! We also hope you(and by default, "we"" get a chance to see the little ones!!

  3. Hard to imagine she would be staying around so long unless she has a den nearby. Can't wait to see her kittens.

  4. She i awesome. I hope she does have kittens.

  5. We hope you find some kitten pictures sometime this summer.

  6. I cross my paws for her litter if she is a mom and I wish the young lion all the best... it sounds sad that he's kicked out, but maybe he will find a partner and they found their own furmily later :o)
    easy rider

  7. We hope you discover the kittens☺

  8. Beautiful mom - do those tracker collars ever bother them or cause problems? They seem so big.

  9. Oh wow, cool captures! I would be scared of the Mom but I would love to see the kittens!

  10. So beautiful seeing them in the wild
    Lily & Edward

  11. We hope the kittens make an appearance soon. Mom is beautiful.

  12. I love the mountain lions. They are so neat! I hope we will get to see the babies sometime!

  13. There's a real degree of detective work with these cameras - adds to the fun! :)

  14. Love seeing the mountain lions in your pics - beautiful animals!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  15. We hope there are some kitten pictures...

  16. Very active and healthy looking!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  17. That momma cat is beautiful! What a treasure to find these photos on your trail cam! Maybe we will see kittens !

  18. Great pictures. I am learning a lot. As an urban dweller I can tell you I find it scary.

  19. So nice to see! We too hope that maybe there will be glimpse of some kittens in the future.

  20. So heartening! I love seeing these big cats living out in nature.

  21. Beautiful. Thankyou, KB - we enjoy this glimpse of nature almost as much as you do!


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