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Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Wordless Wednesday - Shyla's Celebration Day

From Shyla's Gotcha Day Celebration Hike... (I'll write about it in a later post).

And, Shyla says "hi" to you all!
I thank my lucky stars daily that I met this wonderful dog.


  1. Hi Shyla - and have a great celebration - today is one of those once in a lifetime moments for your wonderful human - surely at top of her list of great days.

  2. That is some nice celebration beautiful Shyla!

  3. Hi Shyla, hope you had a great day.

    Aroo to you,

  4. Hari OM
    ...and a great big HI and HOOROO to you Shyla! Happy Gotcha Day!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. HEY GURL!!!!! High Paw to you too!!!! OMD, Happy Happy Happy gotcha day!!!!!
    I am soooooo happy you guys all found each other!
    Such a beautiful hike!!!
    I hopes there are LOTS of IScream and cake and margaritas at your celebration!!! hehehehe
    Ruby ♥

  6. Shyla is so beautiful! I love that last photo so much! :D

  7. Hi Shyla! :)
    HappyGotcha Day! A day for you and K to celebrate!

  8. You are lucky to have each other! Happy Gotcha day
    thank you for the hugs today

    Mr Bailey, Hazel, Mabel & Mom

  9. Happy Gotcha Day to sweet Shyla. I hope that someday I will finally be ready to find another dog. But it's just not the time yet.

  10. Shyla! Happy Gotcha day, brave girl!! We love you!!

    -Ruby, Otto and Lisa

  11. Hi Shyla!! You always make me happy.

    Anne and Ziggy

  12. And greetings back to you all there, as summer closes so soon, maybe those leaves are changing colours already. Shyla, you shine every day.

  13. Hi Queen of the Rockies!

    Happy Gotcha Day to you! I know you and your Mom are happy girls these days and that's just the way it should be! Keep on having fun together.

    Cheers, Stella and her Mom

  14. Happy Gotcha Day Shyla :) We look forward to hearing about your hike :) Milo & Jet

  15. That's a perfect place to celebrate a Gotcha Day! Happy Gotcha Day, Shyla!

  16. Waving right back atcha, Shyla ☺

  17. high five back to ya :o) and a happy happy Gotcha Day!

  18. You truly go up the mountain, unlike my salt mountain, living in Rockies. Shyla high five back at ya and a thumbs up on your great picture.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  19. A very VERY happy Gotcha Day to you, Miss Shyla!! I'm so proud of seeing how far you've come. Though I don't comment often, I read every day and love hearing about your adventures!

  20. I've said it before...she is so awesome.

  21. Happy Gotcha Day pretty girl
    Lily & Edward

  22. I love how high her paw gets when she waves <3 :D


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