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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Winter Wednesday

Today winter really began.

And the Duo was ecstacic.

364 Days ago, last winter began. On that day, Tiny the Black Bear walked westward toward his den. Notice the -11°F temperature in the upper right of the photo.

A short time later, he was even more covered in frost.
Those were the last photos of him until May of this year. He must have snuggled into a den almost immediately after he passed my trail cameras.

I wonder if Tiny is walking to his den now. I've noticed that some bears time their walk toward their dens almost to the day, every single year.


  1. Brrr! I just love the first photo of them. So sweet!

  2. You can tell from the first photograph that they want you to release them so they can romp in the snow. I'm nowhere near ready for winter.

  3. R and Shyla look like they really love the snow! My dogs like it, too.. for all of 5 minutes! LOL! We've been getting winter weather, too!

  4. Let the fun begin!
    R & Shyla always take full advantage of the winter wonderland,
    we can tell they love it.
    Happy Crazy Love those two.
    xo Cinnamon and Linda

  5. Wow, you got a lot of snow. The duo looks like they love it!! And that bear!!

  6. We are hiding the screen from the two snow dogs here - they would be so jealous:)

    It would be fun to catch Tiny on his way again this year.

  7. we love seeing those happy snow dogs! Tis brrrrr bear season.

  8. The snow is beautiful and you guys look like you're having so much fun! I guess I'm just not a Winter-loving weenie. The snow would bury me and they wouldn't find me until spring! :)

  9. Have fun playing in the snow. Fantastic photos. Love the bear pics

  10. The bear pictures make me smell Winter!
    It's still a bit early here for the bears to tuck themselves in, I think. I'll hold off on filling the birdfeeder for a while yet. But pretty soon!

  11. Shyla and R are like 2 excited little kids,,,, excited about the snow,,.. and all the fun they will have with mom!!!

    That bear is smart!! Thats why!

    We love your snow photos!

  12. You know we thing all of your photos are stunning, but that first one of the duo is something special!
    Happy winter to you!

  13. Looks like it's time again for the bears to head for bed!

  14. Love that first photo!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  15. Such cool Bear info!!

    Also just love the first shot of your Labraduo!!

  16. I'm with Mr. Bear... hibernation is a good thing in a warm cave, with treats and a book :o)

  17. Have fun playing in the beautiful snow, R and Shyla!

  18. It's like Bammm, it's winter. How did snow happen so fast?

  19. We've had snow too but it melted away - hooray! Soon it will be here to stay. Yuck but the dogs love it.


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