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Sunday, October 23, 2022

A pair of Golden Eagles vie for a Deer Carcass

 A mountain lion killed a deer in a gully near our house. Our ever faithful sniffer, Shyla, found it the next morning. Most of the meat had been consumed overnight.

During the next day, a Golden Eagle claimed the carcass, much to the dismay of the Magpies who had been feasting on it. The Magpies don't give up easily, and they tugged on the tail feathers of the Golden Eagle to try to make him leave. It didn't work.

Then, the big excitement happened. A second Golden Eagle showed up. The two eagles had a kerfuffle over the carcass. One claimed it, and the other one was relegated to pecking on a leg about 10 yards away.

 Please be aware that there are views of a deer carcass in this video. 





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  1. That is the way of the wild life, and to live, you have to eat. What a scrap, as they fight for rights to the table.

  2. Forget sharing - I guess it's survival of the fittest!

  3. Nature can seem harsh, but it does a much better job at not wasting than we do.

  4. The mountain lion certainly didn't leave much for the birds. The golden eagles are beautiful birds.

  5. Hari OM
    Nature in the raw - fabulous! YAM xx

  6. Nobby and I both think this is an awesome video, but perhaps not for the same reasons!
    Cheers, Gail.

  7. It's always interesting to see the interactions in nature. I enjoy the magpie's boldness in trying to get the eagle off the carcass.

  8. It is fascinating to watch the animals feed, and survive. It makes more sense to let an animal feed another

  9. Thank you for taking the time to film and share nature doing what nature does best. Wonderful to see, despite being the wilder and less savoury side of life.

  10. this is for sure the first time ever seeing a carcass or eagles eating one or silly magpies pulling on tale feathers. awesome video

  11. Magpies are the epitome of brazen. Thanks for this great footage. Wow, goldens have loooong legs!!

    Chris from Boise

  12. KB amazing video. I don't think we have magpies in our area. Crows are pretty bossy and brazen though. I know they are very smart. Last year one removed the dome, suet feeder loop from the top of a curved shaft. Dropped it on the ground the open the suet cage.

    I just read about the intruder on your property. I am so sorry feeling unsafe on your own property is horrible. Very thankful you had a neighbor's assistance.
    I am a follower of your blog but no longer getting emails when you have a know post. Crazy blogger issues I'm sure.
    Hugs Cecilia


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