Then, as we passed the field where the elk herd of 70-100 often hangs out (but not today), some blue had started to shine through the clouds.
A shroud of clouds covered the divide. You can barely discern a mountain on the horizon.
While on that trail network, I snapped a couple photos to show what I was ranting about yesterday. Below, you can see a gate that was erected to keep motorized vehicles out of a sensitive area. The gate is held closed by a lock on its right side with what was formerly a steel cylinder designed to protect the lock from vandals. It's a good thing that it's a strong lock because gunshots destroyed the protective cylinder. What I don't understand is this - Wouldn't the
When the shooting out the lock approach didn't work, the vandals ripped a new road about 50 yds downhill of the gate. The Forest Service then spent more time and money building a big log fence. The vandals used winches to pull it down once but then the Forest Service fortified it, and it's lasted an entire season!
Near the end of my ride, I climbed up a trail that I frequent in the summer, and I was reminded of yet another lion story as I passed the view below.
Once I survived my harrowing journey home and presented my husband with the scat, he was forced to agree that there was no other creature in our woods that could have dropped that scat besides a lion. However, he and his friends teased me endlessly. What kind of wife brings her husband a gift of lion scat? Why didn't he marry a nice normal woman who might have brought home flowers for the dining room table? Well, all I can say is that he was fully forewarned that he wasn't choosing your run-of-the-mill boring wife when he married me.
As an aside, part of the lion obsession by me and others in this area was fueled by a book called 'Beast in the Garden', a true account of mountain lion activities that includes stories of encounters from my area. For me, it continues to be fueled by my friend who's in the Division of Wildlife and tracks radio-collared lions. He lives very close to me and tells me that he picks up signals from at least one collared lion and sometimes more almost every evening when he walks his dogs. The photo below was shot in my area. Note the elk carcass with his antlers framing the cougar's head.

Today's ride turned out to be long and hard, with about 3000' of climbing and a stiff wind from the west. Much of the climbing was on snow, making it tough climbing. When I was within about a mile of home, I started to wonder if I would make it home because I was so tired. I was reminded of Paul Sherwin, a cycling commentator, who likes to say "Boom, boom, out go the lights" when a racer suddenly loses the power to stay in the lead group. However, despite my fatigue, much of my spine pain had evaporated. That's one of the healing powers of cycling.
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