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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Snow, snow, snow!!!!

We've had an incredibly busy and exciting day. But, according to Shyla, the biggest news was that we had an unexpectedly big snow storm last night. Shyla had a blast this morning!

Shyla is over the moon about the snow. She ran and ran today, making the snow fly wildly all around her.
Even though the snow slows down my snow biking (the new snow is about a foot deep), I was thrilled to see it too!


  1. Glad you enjoyed the snow. Mom enjoyed having no snow BOL!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  2. Enjoy your snow day Shyla.

    Aroo to you,

  3. LOL at Murphy's comment - wholeheartedly agree with his Mom, but the pus would feel so differently. Shyla sure does make it look like fun.

  4. New snow is the bestest and a foot of it is awesome!

  5. Hooray for more snow! Shyla sure is having FUN!

  6. Shyla looks wonderful today!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  7. You got so much more than us! The ski area reported 7" but when I went cross country, only about 1-2". My Grandlab also loves to frolic in the snow.

  8. Glad to see it.
    I'm tired and irritable today so it makes me glad to see someone out having fun!

  9. is there another dog in the whole world that loves snow as much as !!!


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