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Thursday, September 6, 2018

Throwback and Thankful Thursday

I had no idea of the hard work ahead of us when I first met Shyla. She has a heart of gold, just like those leaves behind her, and she's incredibly sensitive. That's both good because it makes her so sweet, and a challenge because it makes her tend to be afraid.

This girl has taught me more than any dog before her. I love her.


  1. yes... she is athe pup of gold in any way...;O))

  2. I really believe the dogs that are the most work are the ones that steal our hearts away from us...

  3. Shyla is my hero! I get skeered of things a lot, and Momma says the work we do on it together is inspired by what you've shared of Shyla's work!

  4. We absolutely adore you, Shyla♥

  5. What a stunning photo of your Shyla...we loved these words
    She has a heart of gold, just like those leaves behind two are lucky to have found each of those cases of who rescued whom!!
    Hugs madi and mom

  6. We all love that beautiful Shyla too! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  7. And Shyla has the best home ever, a wonderful place for love, safety, security and companionship with R. Did she ever think this would be where she would find such happiness? Truly the best for you all.Golden Girl indeed.

  8. Shyla is so beautiful, and we so admire her spirit and determination to be strong.

  9. She is a very special girl!! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  10. Hey gurl! Yes, you are one special puppers!!!
    Ruby ♥

  11. Each of us has our own special challenges, it makes learning to live and work with each other all that more special.


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