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Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Wordless Wednesday - Comet Neowise

The comet seemed to be pointed straight at our little world.
Nature never ceases to wow me!


  1. oh my!!! you saw it!!! that is just great!!!!!!!!

  2. Wow - what an amazing photo, KB!

  3. You Nailed It - What A Perfectly Timed Exposure - Pun Intended - So Blessed Having Such Nightly Opportunities - Few Friends Near Big Cities Were Unable To See It Because Of The Light Pollution - Us, There It Is

    P.S. Your Tribe Needs A Rewarding Treat, BLK Dog First And LAST Please

  4. This is by FAR the best Neowise image I've seen - congratulations, KB!

  5. Wow wow wow! Not only did you see it but you captured it for us. Absolutely amazing

  6. That's amazing, it gave it cold chills to see it!

  7. We just knew you would have a great picture of the comet.

  8. You're a whiz with your camera. The best shot I've seen thus far.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  9. Bryan and I both are in awe!! I hollered come see the comet...from Colorado. We tried to see it but just too many lights but especially too many trees. I heard it was low on the horizon here. Thank you
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Thank you - I have too many trees around my home (not complaining), so I couldn't see the comet.

  11. Wow, this is the perfect setting.

  12. Wow - you captured that comet perfectly!!! Beautiful!!!

  13. I should have known we could count on you to get an awesome photo of it!!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  14. It's so fabulous to see Neowise and your picture is perfect.

  15. Hari OM
    Can you see my jellygreen??? YAM xx

  16. How cool that you were able to view that comet! Beautiful capture.

  17. That's beautiful and scary all at the same time


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